

Poem Commentary

Why is it that we don’t recognize love when it begins… but sadly know when love ends?


Once you become comfortable with who I am, once you've taken the time to truly know me...

Perhaps, you'll find the inspiration to gently walk through the depths of my soul; and discover a once familiar path...

As you journey, you'll come upon my lost dreams, just waiting to be found again; and as you step over my footprints of heartache, be careful not to disturb the years of torment and pain...

And, at the end of your journey, you'll search among my scattered and old faded memories, perhaps looking for that special one of us; if only to recall those days of happiness... when I once was in love with you.

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Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It's that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that's what the poet does.

Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) U.S. poet.

thejazzpoet’s Poems (23)

Title Comments
Title Comments
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No Words Need to be Spoken 0
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Exploring The Possibilities
Completeness; In Search Of 2
Have You Ever Wondered... 3
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For You Were Always There... 4
The Abyss of Love... 1
To Covet You From Afar... 2
Loving You... 1
In Meeting A Stranger, I Found A Friend... 4
One's Sacrafice For Love 4