My Journeys


Poem Commentary

a compilation of soul stirring and romantic poems that reflect on my journeys, over the world, over the years.

with these poems come many memories, many regrets, many hours of wondering... "just what if?"


My Journeys

Okinawa, Japan, September 1976— 


We sat alone within a beautiful Japanese garden, watching the still waters run deep, and later, admired a golden sunset, we stood at the ebb tide, sharing dreams of tomorrow and forever; on a distant shore, holding hands, side by side.

The mighty sea breezes cooled the air, our loving thoughts drifted towards the clouds, without a care; our bodies lying together on this hidden beach of sand… remembering our yesterdays, and making plans for our tomorrows, in this beautiful distant oriental land.

Winnipeg, Canada, December 1980—

Our Last Good By…

As we embraced for the last time, on this cold winter day, my heartbeat raced with sorrow; and slowing my tears began to stream down my face; bring a chill of uncertainty and despair, knowing in just a few hours, you would not be there.

We both knew, that this was good by. But you still held me close and your loving caress gave my body warmth and security; but as your fingers slowly slipped from my shoulders; your words that you whispered, so gentle, so pure, broke my heart in two, and it was then when I knew, that this moment was to be our last forever. 

Monterey, California, September 1985—

Looking Back Over The Rainbow…

How many times have I looked back and recalled that weekend in Monterey. We
shared passionate nights; for I was your lover, bringing sweet caresses to tantalize every inch of you. But how quickly our romance faded, and now, I ponder and think how that rainbow brought us so much joy and happiness. I look back hopelessly and wonder... what did I do so wrong?

If I could only kiss your lips and hold your body so very close to me, just one more time… If I could see that smile on your face; and hear that voice so devine;
But all I have today, are the memories of that weekend; September in Monterey.

Atlanta, Georgia, June 1994—

Intentions of The Heart…

If what I say and do, brings you hurt and pain; understand this is not my intention…when you are in my arms, and as I embrace you, if you still feel insecure, understand, these are not my intentions; and, if I sometimes show neglect, or look distant during our conversations, understand, it is only because I’m unaware; and, if I show a lack of appreciation towards you, perhaps even hesitation in my replies… believe me, it may be from my own inner fears and a questioning of my love for you;

For where security and confidence in our relationship once embraced my life, now, my heart has clouded and darkened by doubt, and your actions you’ve revealed to me.  Sadly, I find myself constantly asking why…and it is so very hard to hide my feelings, for my intentions from a broken heart, are easily revealed through my eyes.

Virgin Islands, St. Thomas, Johns, & Cruix, November 2001—


Perhaps, you’ll find it in your heart to tell me that you still love me… this might rebuild my love and trust for you. But, when your actions continue to show that our love is dying, your words hold little meaning or value.  Perhaps, in time, I feel that I can love you once more; perhaps through patience and time, we can find that attraction again, that brought us together in the beginning.

Returning Home; San Diego, California 2007—

In Retrospect; Knowing When To Let Go…

Knowing when to let go, can sometimes be just as trying as trying to hold on to someone who doesn’t what to be with you anymore. Sometimes knowing when to let go can be harder than trying to hold on to a lie. In retrospect, I've learned... for it is not how long you loved someone, by how you loved that person; and saying good by, does not always mean ‘good by forever’; neither does saying “I love you.”

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cmusgrove commented on My Journeys


These are really beautiful poems, they too are heart felt

Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It's that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that's what the poet does.

Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) U.S. poet.

thejazzpoet’s Poems (23)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Perhaps... 0
No Words Need to be Spoken 0
I Thirst For You... 3
Subtle Thoughts… 2
September 0
As You Journey Through The Depths Of My Soul… 4
Poetry... The Quiet World Within Me 5
My Journeys 1
Forbidden Rendezvous... 1
My Confession... 4
Unbridled Passion... 3
Loving You... 1
I Want To Love You, If Only For This Moment In Time... 6
Exploring The Possibilities
Completeness; In Search Of 2
Have You Ever Wondered... 3
Notes To Myself... 1
For You Were Always There... 4
The Abyss of Love... 1
To Covet You From Afar... 2
Loving You... 1
In Meeting A Stranger, I Found A Friend... 4
One's Sacrafice For Love 4