One's Sacrafice For Love


One's Sacrafice For Love

Everytime I think of you,
I feel the intensity of loving
A feeling you could only imagine.
What I desire more than anything
Is to hold you in my arms,
And tell you just how much you mean to me,
To prove beyond doubt or suspicion
How much I need you in my life.
My love for you is as real today,
As it was yesterday and that day
I first began to share my everything.

For, when someone feels your vulnerability, and pain…
But continues to love you inspite of, believe that
They will always be there for you…
Each and every day;
And understand, when someone stops and listens,
One who lifts your spirits when you are feeling low…
And when someone cares so very much,
So much to let you go...
That is truly a sacrifice for love—

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Tempy commented on One's Sacrafice For Love


this is beautiful, makes me wonder how he lets her know



this poem was very hard for me; it provoked the anger, sorrow and desire within me. you tell a person that the time has come to end a relationship... face to face, with tears streaming down, a fluttering heart, and choked up words that cause you to gag. you turn and walk away hoping you'll never have to face this person again. i still live with the moments, when i said good by. thejazzpoet

cmusgrove commented on One's Sacrafice For Love


I get the love that you felt for her, wonderful poem

Wakeitha commented on One's Sacrafice For Love


Beautiful written every one want real love but it is hard to find. I hope you find her someday. Just pray for what you want in your wife and God will give her to you. A man who finds a wife finds a good thing.



thank you for responding, i am so pleased that you enjoyed it. this poem was written in retrospect; i once shared a beautiful relationship with this person, and i became blind to many distractions... today, i can only recall those precious moments. thejazzpoet

shanr1225 commented on One's Sacrafice For Love


sorry i keep reading ur poems, but this one is truly splendid and candid

Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It's that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that's what the poet does.

Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) U.S. poet.

thejazzpoet’s Poems (23)

Title Comments
Title Comments
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My Confession... 4
Unbridled Passion... 3
Loving You... 1
I Want To Love You, If Only For This Moment In Time... 6
Exploring The Possibilities
Completeness; In Search Of 2
Have You Ever Wondered... 3
Notes To Myself... 1
For You Were Always There... 4
The Abyss of Love... 1
To Covet You From Afar... 2
Loving You... 1
In Meeting A Stranger, I Found A Friend... 4
One's Sacrafice For Love 4