Notes To Myself...


Notes To Myself...

To embrace change, as we define our existence; and discover who we are—

To achieve unity, balance and common ground with a person, understand… "don't make someone a priority in your life, who has made you only an option in theirs.")

My philosophy in having a meaningful relationships is simple; “Explore her mind and find out not so much what she thinks but more importantly… discover why she thinks what she thinks.”

I am a poet, lover and dreamer; but I write from the heart, soul and life experiences. Many of my poems were composed from life experiences in some of the most beautiful cities in the world.

I embrace life, seek the horizons of tomorrow and enjoy the time that I’ve been blessed with.  If two people are in harmony, it really doesn't matter how they came together, but where they are going or what they are doing.

I feel that in any relationship, you must know how to and manage your self-limitations; learn from the past, minimize your preconceived notions and build upon you sameness... this will help the relation grow and survive. 

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babyvic49 commented on Notes To Myself...


you really have a way with words you c an tell that you are writing from heart great work keep up the good work all men should read your work



dear fellow poet, thank you so much for your sincere and supportive comments; i do appreciate other poet's point of views... thejazzpoet

Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion.

T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

thejazzpoet’s Poems (23)

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