

  • Death
    • k9kinnon
    • hangin wit faith in LIT!!! party!!! wohoooo


    It was a dark gray night
    no one knew he had to fight
    just so he could keep his life
    when we found out it hurt like a knife
    he was my brother
    there was none other
    he was on drugs
    he was a thug
    he had no idea
    how he made his family feel
    how he made them hurt
    how he used to treat them like dirt
    no one knew what was to come
    how his heart would stop beating like a drum
    and although his family felt dissed
    no one understood how much he would be missed
    and everyone remebers that faithful day
    it was as if it had all turned gray
    i am sorry you had to die
    but for now i must say goodbye

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    mysticpoet commented on unaware


    really sad. made me want to cry.

    When power leads man towards arrogance, poetry reminds him of his limitations. When power narrows the area of man's concern, poetry reminds him of the richness and diversity of existence. When power corrupts, poetry cleanses.

    John F. Kennedy (1917-1963) Thirty-fifth President of the USA

    k9kinnon’s Poems (23)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Saying goodbye to my brother. 0
    I Wish.... 1
    these people.... 1
    choice 0
    bet you did not know 1
    R.I.P Danny 1
    love? 1
    my heart 1
    A.M.S 0
    Danny 0
    statistic 1
    bobby 0
    mommy and daddy 0
    bet you didnt know 0
    true friends 0
    karma 0
    unaware 1
    let me help 2
    Dont go 3
    leaving 2
    the real me 3
    Child Abuse 3
    j.d.m.s memory 0