Saying goodbye to my brother.


  • k9kinnon
  • hangin wit faith in LIT!!! party!!! wohoooo

Saying goodbye to my brother.

As I walk away, I hold my breath
my fingers crossed, holding back the tears as if I was avoiding death
I want to seem like im strong
Even though i know im wrong
Maybe if I hold them back I wont be as sad
Maybe if I ignore the pain, I wont feel as bad
17 years together
we thought we would be kids forever,
but now our times up
we got to go seperate ways
even though we would both rather stay
not seeing you every day will be weird
almost as if you have disappeared
sometimes you made me so mad
but at other times... you were there for me when I was sad
we have almost been threw all the same things
I am like the bird and your the wings
you are my brother
there is no other
I will always be there for you emotionally
since I cant physically
I love you bubba

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Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

k9kinnon’s Poems (23)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Saying goodbye to my brother. 0
I Wish.... 1
these people.... 1
choice 0
bet you did not know 1
R.I.P Danny 1
love? 1
my heart 1
A.M.S 0
Danny 0
statistic 1
bobby 0
mommy and daddy 0
bet you didnt know 0
true friends 0
karma 0
unaware 1
let me help 2
Dont go 3
leaving 2
the real me 3
Child Abuse 3
j.d.m.s memory 0