

  • Death
    • k9kinnon
    • hangin wit faith in LIT!!! party!!! wohoooo


    you hear a gun shot
    your heart comes to a stop
    you want to get away
    but you have no choice but to stay
    you watch your freind die
    and all you can do is stand by
    you comfort them
    as the light in his eyes grow dim
    you knew it was wrong
    but you thought it would make you belong
    now he must suffer with the pain
    and you are full of shame
    because of you
    his worst nightmares have come true
    i hope your happy
    you have made this world more crappy

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    Poetry is either something that lives like fire inside you or else it is nothing, an empty formalized bore around which pedants can endlessly drone their notes and explanations.

    Unknown Source

    k9kinnon’s Poems (23)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Saying goodbye to my brother. 0
    I Wish.... 1
    these people.... 1
    choice 0
    bet you did not know 1
    R.I.P Danny 1
    love? 1
    my heart 1
    A.M.S 0
    Danny 0
    statistic 1
    bobby 0
    mommy and daddy 0
    bet you didnt know 0
    true friends 0
    karma 0
    unaware 1
    let me help 2
    Dont go 3
    leaving 2
    the real me 3
    Child Abuse 3
    j.d.m.s memory 0