my heart


  • k9kinnon
  • hangin wit faith in LIT!!! party!!! wohoooo

my heart

if you look inside my heart
you'd see its very dark
you'd see how much i cry
and wish i'd just die
you'd see all things that i've lost
and how my love has no cost
you'd see how i miss my father
and how i miss my sisters and brothers
you'd see death
you'd see all those who have left
you'd see a new start
you'd see a broken heart

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sassysweet commented on my heart


Very good! This is a good one too. Tells me how you feel, what is going on with you and it tells me, how others see you.

Poetry is either something that lives like fire inside you or else it is nothing, an empty formalized bore around which pedants can endlessly drone their notes and explanations.

Unknown Source

k9kinnon’s Poems (23)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Saying goodbye to my brother. 0
I Wish.... 1
these people.... 1
choice 0
bet you did not know 1
R.I.P Danny 1
love? 1
my heart 1
A.M.S 0
Danny 0
statistic 1
bobby 0
mommy and daddy 0
bet you didnt know 0
true friends 0
karma 0
unaware 1
let me help 2
Dont go 3
leaving 2
the real me 3
Child Abuse 3
j.d.m.s memory 0