these people....


  • k9kinnon
  • hangin wit faith in LIT!!! party!!! wohoooo

these people....

the people here think they know me
but how can they know what they cant see
who i really wish i could be
so many people think they know my history
they have never seen me cry
they have never seen my bad side
they dont know how i have to face fear
and i cant even shed a tear
they dont know my past they dont even relise that thier lives past by fast
they dont know my escape
they dont control my fate
they dont know how i lost my lover and bestfriend
they know how it had to all end
they have never seen me high
or layed on the floor and just wish they would die
they dont even know i write poetry
they sont really know me

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ScottishBard commented on these people....


Very honest. I like how you break it down. I will look back from time to time. I expect good things from you.






thanks :) i hope that i am blessed and get better with my poetry :)

To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

k9kinnon’s Poems (23)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Saying goodbye to my brother. 0
I Wish.... 1
these people.... 1
choice 0
bet you did not know 1
R.I.P Danny 1
love? 1
my heart 1
A.M.S 0
Danny 0
statistic 1
bobby 0
mommy and daddy 0
bet you didnt know 0
true friends 0
karma 0
unaware 1
let me help 2
Dont go 3
leaving 2
the real me 3
Child Abuse 3
j.d.m.s memory 0