R.I.P Danny


  • Love
  • ,
  • Lost Love
    • k9kinnon
    • hangin wit faith in LIT!!! party!!! wohoooo

    R.I.P Danny

    so there was this boy
    i used to always annoy
    he was my bestfriend
    he was there for me till the end
    until one faithfull day
    we decided to go out and play
    we decided to swim
    thats when everthing started to grow grim
    we split into two groups
    my group went to change on the back stoop
    the boy's already had thier swimming trunks on
    i did not relise everything i loved was about to be gone
    they walked ahead
    before we knew it some were dead
    bullets were flying everywhere
    i was full of despair
    soon we were searching the ground
    but my buddy was no where to be found
    i searched frantically
    wondering where he could be
    then i saw his body
    lying thier all bloody
    i knew it ws to late
    he had met his fate
    i began to cry
    i wonder why he had to die
    he was my closest friend
    he knew i loved him
    i miss his touch
    i hope he knows i miss him so much

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    kittman101 commented on R.I.P Danny


    wow. i cant believe the amount of emotion that you placed behind this. I am sorry for the saddness you felt. Even though i was not there, i seen and felt everything you went through. I know its hard to loose someone so close to you in such a way. It leaves a mark to the very soul. PLease keep writing. You have a lot of talent.



    thanks and yeah it was hard to write but it helps to go and remeber the good times but i will never forget the bad aswell

    If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.

    Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) American poet.

    k9kinnon’s Poems (23)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Saying goodbye to my brother. 0
    I Wish.... 1
    these people.... 1
    choice 0
    bet you did not know 1
    R.I.P Danny 1
    love? 1
    my heart 1
    A.M.S 0
    Danny 0
    statistic 1
    bobby 0
    mommy and daddy 0
    bet you didnt know 0
    true friends 0
    karma 0
    unaware 1
    let me help 2
    Dont go 3
    leaving 2
    the real me 3
    Child Abuse 3
    j.d.m.s memory 0