TRAVEL TO THE NORTH(Part 12 of Black Roses)


  • queenrosered
  • Waiting for escrow to close on our new house in Vegas...will still visit Mexico often! Sorry I've been away so long from this site! Great to be "home" :D

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Part 12 of my 15 part Vampire series, "Black Roses"......I would ask that you read all 15 parts, in order, as it is a story in poetic form. I welcome comments and ratings and shall return the favor! Please enjoy and thank you, "Q"

TRAVEL TO THE NORTH(Part 12 of Black Roses)

My carriage travels to the North,

With two days rest in County Cambs.

Revenge not slaked, I feel the force,

Yet town folks gaze, like gentle lambs.


The road is flat and worn from use;

The driver stops afore each dawn.

Well paid he is, shan't seek for truth;

In my grand scheme, he's just a pawn.


Northumberland is in the North

And Cornwall at the end is south.

In Norfolk's harbor, holding forth,

A ship, “Demeter” anchors off the mouth.

We shan't make ship before daylight,

So here in Norfolk, there is an Inn.

I must be patient one more night,

Lord Valdore's patronage I'll win!

Tomorrow as the sun sinks low,

I'll make my presence known to him.

His bride, Arcadia, surely knows

I mean no foul, but seek revenge!

As eventide sweeps o'er the land,

My burning hunger won't be checked!

This thirst for blood is more demand;

I'll take my feast from just one "guest".

I spy alone, there in the dark,

As prostitute strikes age-old pose.

I swoop in for my ease and hark!

Still, lifeless hands now clutch black rose!

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John F. Kennedy (1917-1963) Thirty-fifth President of the USA