THE MESSAGE (Part 11 of Black Roses series)


  • queenrosered
  • Waiting for escrow to close on our new house in Vegas...will still visit Mexico often! Sorry I've been away so long from this site! Great to be "home" :D

Poem Commentary

This is Part 11 of my 15 Part Vampire series, "Black Roses". Please enjoy, comment and I shall return the favor, my friends.Thank you, "Q"

THE MESSAGE (Part 11 of Black Roses series)

Lord Nicodemus is long gone.

I could have killed him for this wrong.

He saw the venom in my eyes;

That he has fled is no surprise.

Alone again, I mourn love lost,

For jealousy I paid dear cost.

I should have trusted Jean Pierre;

My shrieks of madness fill the air!

I curse the leaving of Orleans;

His touch I still feel in my dreams.

Lord Nicodemus played me false;

Oh yes, I'll dance with him one waltz!

The waltz of death, a dance of Hell!

He'll rue this night, this I know well!

I hear a voice, it calls to me;

"I'll help thee avenge, come Seraphine"

The voice, it sooths and calms my fright;

"Come here, my dear, and make things right"

To Norfolk I must quickly go;

My vampire senses tell me so.

A name I'd heard, thought to be lore,

A vampire Lord from days of yore.

In telepathic waves of thought,

He bids me come and to fear naught.

Lord Valdore is the one I seek,

Not for the feint of heart, nor weak.

Tomorrow I shall go to him,

As pounding of my heart grows dim.

I must avenge my lover's death;

An oath I made with Jean's last breath.

What lies ahead, God only knows.

My bags are packed... with one black rose.

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If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.

Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) American poet.