Life of a Monday Morning Quarterback


  • Philosophy
    • queenrosered
    • Waiting for escrow to close on our new house in Vegas...will still visit Mexico often! Sorry I've been away so long from this site! Great to be "home" :D

    Poem Commentary

    If you're over 40, you have pondered this and will relate. If not, please take heed, ok? Thanks! :)

    Life of a Monday Morning Quarterback

    If I had my life to live again

    Would I change it `round a bit?

    Would I frown at life or gaily grin

    Show the world my truest grit?


    Too often time is squandered

    By intentions meek or honor's lack,

    As off the paths we've wandered;

    We Monday morning quarterbacks.


    If I knew just what tomorrow brought

    Would my countenance belie the truth,

    Of those dreams I crushed, tears I wrought

    In selfish statehood we call youth?


    The world would be a better place,

    If we started old, then grew young.

    There would be no more arms race,

    Nor songs of love to leave unsung


    But sighing, I must bow to fate,

    Like all good souls that went before.

    Though wiser now, I'm game to wait

    To see what else life has in store


    Mind you, I'm merely pondering;

    No disrespect intended friend.

    Speculating what I'd do, wondering;

    If I had my life to live again.

    Poem Comments


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    graceladymn commented on Life of a Monday Morning Quarterback


    I agree I think it would be a better world if we started off old and grew into youth, how sweet would that be for then we could appreciate it.



    Thanks again, my Lady Grace, for your warm, thoughtful comments! Much appreciated.Rose. :)

    WordSlinger commented on Life of a Monday Morning Quarterback


    I hear that, nice quick poem of wisdom, and I bet ya had fun writing it, I love the title.



    Thanks so very much WS! Much appreciated, indeed! :)

    kmooney commented on Life of a Monday Morning Quarterback


    Magnificent, simply magnificent. Once again, your cadence and rhyme scheme are flawless. Has sort of a Robert Frost sound to it. And he's one of my fav's. I can see your talent my friend. You and I have some similarity. You should scroll through my work and tell me what you think. Read Bouquet, The Paradox, Down De Ocean and Annapolis City Dock. I would love to hear your opinions. Thanks again for sharing. I really appreciate your work... Kevin



    Thanks much Kevin! I do like the classics and my fav poem of all time? Invictus, William Ernest Henley. Check that out also, you will love it, I am 100% positive! I will get back to more of yours as well, gladly! I just posted a new one, "Prelude To Sleep", so when you get the time, OK? Best Regards, Rose. :)

    cliftondurant commented on Life of a Monday Morning Quarterback


    yes but we only get one chance at life i try to make the best out of life a lovely poem thanks for sharing



    Thanks so much Clifton! Right you are, only one shot, and I wish we realized that at sa much younger age, don't you? Appreciate it, Rose!

    MrGee commented on Life of a Monday Morning Quarterback


    EXCELLENT! Concise and paints a great picture i the readers mind. Terrific rhymn and rhythmn. I especially like the line that reads But sighing, I must bow to fate obviously this work is a 10 from me.



    Wow, MrGEE, truely a warm compliment and very much appreciated, indeed! Thanks,Rose. :)

    When power leads man towards arrogance, poetry reminds him of his limitations. When power narrows the area of man's concern, poetry reminds him of the richness and diversity of existence. When power corrupts, poetry cleanses.

    John F. Kennedy (1917-1963) Thirty-fifth President of the USA