JEALOUSY (Part 9 of Black Roses series)


  • queenrosered
  • Waiting for escrow to close on our new house in Vegas...will still visit Mexico often! Sorry I've been away so long from this site! Great to be "home" :D

Poem Commentary

This is Part 9 of my Vampire series, "Black Roses", please read all 15 parts and enjoy. Thank you, "Q"

JEALOUSY (Part 9 of Black Roses series)

The four of us were on the town;

Our first night as a team you see.

We left as setting sun went down,

Our new companions, Jean and me.


`Tis said that fairest one of all,

With hair of red and eyes sea green,

And voice like mermaid's siren call

`Tis I, the Vampire, Seraphine!


If true, then why do I feel threat?

From Desiree, that vapid slut!

She simpers, plays the sweet coquette;

With Jean Pierre, I know she'd rut!


Will my one love stay true to me?

The answer, only time can tell.

I'll hold my head up, regally,

For I am still the Queen of Hell!


No mortal man would dare to shun,

The measure of my countenance!

Yet Jean Pierre is still the one;

I must tell truth, leave all pretense.


Perhaps there'll be a way, and soon,

To bring that menace to her knees!

Time now for rest, with waning moon;

I'll plot her end within my dreams.


And when the time is right, I'll strike!

How I shall end this, no one knows.

But if I play my cards just right,

She'll disappear with one black rose...



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