THE ARRIVAL (Part 13 of Black Roses)


  • queenrosered
  • Waiting for escrow to close on our new house in Vegas...will still visit Mexico often! Sorry I've been away so long from this site! Great to be "home" :D

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Part 13 of my 15 part Vampire series, "Black Roses"...please read all from Part 1, feel free to rate and comment and I shall do the same for you. Please enjoy, thank you, "Q"

THE ARRIVAL (Part 13 of Black Roses)

There in the harbor rests the ship

 How many nights I've dreamt of this.

 On Lord Valdore I must intrude

 I pray he doesn't think me rude.


 With one deep breath I now embark

 My entrance shielded by the dark.

 I shiver as I draw my cloak

 Around my body and fair throat.


 Then from the cabin he appears;

 His countenance allays my fears.

 "Come Seraphine and meet my wife,

 Stop trembling now, let calm reside."


 With that, we step inside the room

 Draped in satins, lit by moon.

 I hear a sultry voice and turn,

 This beauty's legend is well earned.


 "Hello dear Seraphine" she purrs

 All comforts on this ship are yours"

 So sweetly does Arcadia smile

 I know this woman holds no guile.


 The questions on my face must show

 Lord Valdore leans in smooth and slow;

 "Dear Seraphine, I'll tell you true,

 I could do naught but rescue you."


 "The evilness with which we're faced

 I tell you now, can be well traced.

 It dates back to forgotten lore

 And can no longer be ignored."



 "To tell you all I must harken back

 To Bridgehead town and Ellery Black.

 `Twas said she was a witch, tis true;

 Ate tongue of frog and eye of newt."


 "But no one ere deserved her fate;

 By Prince of Darkness, to be raped!

 She slowly went insane from there

 As Satan's spawn, she came to bear."


 "Then soon she passed from mortal world

 Her soul into the void was hurled.

 Though body smoldered in the grave

 Justice for this foul deed she craved."


 I listened as Lord Valdore talked

 And up and down that hold he walked.

 Why had he told me this strange tale?

 What good can hearing this avail?


 He saw the question in my eyes

 So quickly then he did apprise;

 "You see my dear, before she died

 She swore vengeance not be denied"


 "Here in Demeter's hold I've kept

 Her ashes to repay that debt.

 For Nicodemus was the child

 Born by her, from birth reviled."


 Long into the night we talked;

 Lord Valdore's plan to me disclosed.

 Till rising sun in window stalked;

 I drift now to sleep with one black rose.

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Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.