• queenrosered
  • Waiting for escrow to close on our new house in Vegas...will still visit Mexico often! Sorry I've been away so long from this site! Great to be "home" :D

Poem Commentary

To my own "warrior", Ron and to all who have served, thank you all!


DaVinci drew the perfect male
Upon his easel, years ago,
Yet there is still a tale to tell
About a warrior's truest mold.

We'll start this portrait of a man,
Right at the top, within the face.
With eagle eyes he scans the land;
We look for fear and find no trace.

Behold his shoulders, broad and square,
And just below, a heart, full proud.
In muscled arms, his weapons bear;
He stands out, even in a crowd.

His legs and feet are fully formed;
Well trained to render task at hand.
In battle, mind and heart transformed;
A change his comrades understand.

Born one of us, some mother's son;
Now soldier proud, for all to see.
Give thanks to him, for he's the one
That bears the cost of being free.

When enemy fire cuts him down,
Angels shall wing his soul to peace.
We'll lay him gently in the ground
And sing our prayers for his release.

Another son shall take his place;
One just as battle-forged as he.
With minds, souls and loving grace,
Praise God for his anatomy.


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queenrosered commented on ANATOMY OF A WARRIOR


Thanks so much and, you are very welcome soldier! God Bless! Love, Rose. XD

Laubster commented on ANATOMY OF A WARRIOR


Wow... I'm fighting tears back right now, because it describes every man (and woman) who currently serve in the military. Thank you so much, queen.

queenrosered commented on ANATOMY OF A WARRIOR


Thanks so much Super and please thank your brother for his brave service! Much appreciated, Love, Rose! XD

SuperChick76 commented on ANATOMY OF A WARRIOR


You know, that's so true. My brother's a soldier(Marine) and everywhere I go, if there's a military man around, I know it. It just... shines off of them. Nicely written, the flow is good, the rhyming perfect(strong, yet not cheesy) and the phrasing great. Good job, I loved it :)

damaged commented on ANATOMY OF A WARRIOR


wow strong proud sadness too love it,well written and well versed bravo



Thanks so much Damaged and welcome to the site!! Love, Rose! XD

If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.

Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) American poet.