queenrosered’s Profile

Waiting for escrow to close on our new house in Vegas...will still visit Mexico often! Sorry I've been away so long from this site! Great to be "home" :D

  • Age: 73
  • Location: San Ysidro, CA
  • Gender: Female
  • Country: United States
  • Public Profile URL:


The profile pic is Adam Lambert. I love him and am a "Glambert"! Watch for this young man to leave an endelible mark on the world of music and performing!
I am retired and along with my hubby, Rockin' Ron, living right by the ocean (Pacific) and I have one book already published and enough material for two more.You can see my first book, "Chapel of My Heart": and order it at amazon .com, author, Rose Haddix.
I hope that you can all enjoy my poetry as I'm sure I shall enjoy yours! Thanks for being so talented and creative! I write of many things, beauty, love, war, nature, and some dark poems are in me as well, as you will see.Like life, I am never quite that easy or simple, as you can understand. Peace and Love, queenrosered. :)


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If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.

Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) American poet.