COMPANY (Part 8 of Black Roses)


  • queenrosered
  • Waiting for escrow to close on our new house in Vegas...will still visit Mexico often! Sorry I've been away so long from this site! Great to be "home" :D

Poem Commentary

This is Part 8 of my 15 Part Vampire series, "Black Roses", so plase, read from Part 1 and I hope you enjoy! Thanks, "Q"

COMPANY (Part 8 of Black Roses)

Within these Tower walls we sleep,

Awakened only by blood thirst.

Felt we were safe within this keep,

Yet now aware, we're not the first.


For from the shadows in this room,

Out steps the form of one lone man.

With genteel bow and hat with plume,

He hissed, (as only vampire's can)


"Pray, please don't think me rude" said he,

But this Tower has been my abode

For lo these last three centuries"

(His features took on feral glow)


"Please let me introduce myself,

Lord Nicodemus is my name.

My visage makes most cross themselves,

Though you and I, we are the same."


"Your presence here is welcomed friends;

My bride and I will share our tombs."

He turned and then his hand extends

"Meet Desiree, death's fairest bloom!"


In trepidation she approached,

A curly blond, with eyes of blue.

Upon her nest, we had encroached;

Full red lips part, with skin like dew.


As Nicodemus held her hand,

We felt the vampire love they shared

"Come Desiree, we'll form a clan"

With Seraphine and Jean Pierre."


So now we four have made a pact,

One such as no one dare oppose.

As curtain raises on this act,

We leave you naught, save one black rose.



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Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.