DEADLY MISTAKE! (Part 10 of Black Roses)


  • queenrosered
  • Waiting for escrow to close on our new house in Vegas...will still visit Mexico often! Sorry I've been away so long from this site! Great to be "home" :D

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This is Part 10 of my 15 part Vampire series, "Black Roses"....please begin reading with part 1, as it tells a story in poetic form. I truly appreciate comments and ratings. I shall return the favor, of course. "Q"

DEADLY MISTAKE! (Part 10 of Black Roses)

From fitful sleep, I now arise;

Such dreadful dreams lay undisguised.

But wait! Where now is Jean Pierre?

Something most foul is in the air.


I rise and step out of my tomb;

What trick is this, by light of moon?

He sleeps beside fair Desiree!

My rage is such, my hand won't stay!


My fears have all come home to rest,

As fury growls deep in my breast.

Oh, faithless beast, you'll rue the day,

You made me yours, then went astray!


My eyes now spy two wooden stakes;

Avenging love, as my heart breaks!

First Desiree, that evil twit!

The stake strikes true, the way is lit.


Yet Jean still sleeps so unaware,

The world was his, why should he care?

I've never known a dread like this;

I plunge the stake and seal with kiss!

As laughter echoes through the room,

Lord Nicodemus steps into view.

"Oh Seraphine, it's such a thrill

To see you kill, against your will"


"I switched the coffins out last night,

Now they are gone and you are mine"

I'd grown quite tired of my dear wife;

Beside you, Jean had thought he lie"

My mind went numb, yet words rang true

"Jean Pierre would never cheat on you"

"Twas your own fears that played you false

But dead is dead, care for a waltz?"

Our eyes were locked in such foul grip,

When something in my mind just slipped.

"You beast", hissed I, "you'll never know

A moments rest, where ere you go!

Your deed this night will live in shame,

Even your own shall shun your name.

As one door opens, this one closes;

Stay clear of me...or face black roses!

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John F. Kennedy (1917-1963) Thirty-fifth President of the USA