ARLINGTON(58,000 on a Wall)


  • War
  • ,
  • Loss
  • ,
  • Death
    • queenrosered
    • Waiting for escrow to close on our new house in Vegas...will still visit Mexico often! Sorry I've been away so long from this site! Great to be "home" :D

    Poem Commentary

    Speaks for itself.

    ARLINGTON(58,000 on a Wall)

    America, what will it take,
    Before we wake up and pay heed?
    Full steam ahead, we just bury our dead
    And in ignorance call ourselves "free".

    These rows of silent white crosses,
    Stand witness to souls that we've lost.
    Soldiers have died and mothers have cried;
    Politicians chalk it all up to "cost".

    Are we truly our brother's keeper?
    Must we answer each clarion call?
    Is it all just a game and what's in a name?
    Ask 58,000 on a wall.
    It's said those that don't remember,
    Are doomed to mistakes of the past.
    Still we ignore and march off to war
    In arrogance yet unsurpassed.

    Marble and bronze statues stand,
    In places where wild flowers grow.
    Headstones and benches, white picket fences
    Mark tombs where the brave warriors doze.

    Are we ready to live yet, in peace?
    Have we seen enough innocents fall?
    Is freedom still well or a game with a shell?
    Ask 58,000 on a wall.

    Poem Comments


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    Charlie23 commented on ARLINGTON(58,000 on a Wall)


    A stroll through Arlington should make all ask this question! You are so truely talented in your writing!

    Laubster commented on ARLINGTON(58,000 on a Wall)


    You are so very right, queen. It's sad that the American people always seem to forget where we came from, and think only of where we are going. It's true that we are repeating the mistakes that were made in the past. First with Afghanistan, and now with Iraq.



    Thanks again, my warrior poet friend! Peace and Love, Rose. XD

    redbloodink commented on ARLINGTON(58,000 on a Wall)


    nicely put..... 58,000 on a wall with many more our government wont even recall.... it is a true shame peace isn't what is on every-ones minds...... red



    Soooo right you are, hubby, Ron, is a veteran of Vietnam and I wrote this for him all all our "warriors". Thanks so much. Peace and Love, Rose! XD



    yw Rose........ My heart goes out to you Him and every-one that goes through this..... just names on the wall but not forgotten.....

    Celly319 commented on ARLINGTON(58,000 on a Wall)


    Powerful words, my friend. You've captured the futility of war and all the deaths. What's really been accomplished in most of these wars? Not much.



    Amen Sistah Celly.....war is indeed, futile. And so maddening and sad. Which is why O propose only women rule the earth. What say you? Thanks and Mucho Love, Moi!

    Mandi commented on ARLINGTON(58,000 on a Wall)


    Must be nice to be able to write so well i am jealous beautiful style, magic words, magic fingers ...... write on



    Thanks again my dear Mandi! Magic fingers? lol....dont know about that, but I do feel that we are all talented in some way or another...the secret is to tap into that talent.Thanks, Much Love, Rose. :)

    To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

    Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)