• queenrosered
  • Waiting for escrow to close on our new house in Vegas...will still visit Mexico often! Sorry I've been away so long from this site! Great to be "home" :D

Poem Commentary

This is part 5 of my 15 part Vampire Series, "Black Roses" so please, the only real favor I ask is for the readers to read all 15 parts, as they are posted. Today, the total will be 6 parts posted and each poem adds to the complete story of the Vampire characters in Black Roses.Thanks so very much as this is my "baby", my only real "series" Love, Rose. XD


All preternatural senses heightened;

A soul has dared enter this room!

Danger sensed, yet no one frightened;

Such fearlessness shall spell their doom!


The sun now fled, the moon waxed full;

I spy with eyes of darkest green,

The very one whose trance once pulled;

Hypnotic glance and frame so lean.


"It's YOU!" cried I, in foul disdain,

The cause of all my deepest sorrow!"

I took a step, yet he remained;

"Think, Seraphine, upon the morrow"


"I'm sorry to have left you here,

But tell me true, had I but stayed,

Would you have welcomed me with cheer?

Or despise and hate me, felt betrayed?


So see, my dear, I had no choice,

But to let the centuries take their course.

Come join me now and let's rejoice

Of all your joy, I'll be the source!


Beware of LaFluer, "the flower"

His calling card, one must suppose;

May be this night at any hour,

They'll find you dead,with one black rose.


Poem Comments


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MindNumbing commented on BLACK ROSES(Part 5) THE VISIT


How is it they keep getting better and better?! Bravo to you!



I think you just became my favorite reader! LOL! Thanks and Love, Rose! XD

Insideme commented on BLACK ROSES(Part 5) THE VISIT


great job, I like stories in poetic form. Im really glad to have read this one.



What can I say by now Inide, except, ur a doll and I thank you very much! Will return the favor very soon! Waiting fo the guy to work on my net today! Love Rose!

To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)