The sarcastic Ocean and the Light


  • Life
    • alldreamz
    • writing , thinking, becoming/being inspired..... studying, working, wondering and traveling.

    The sarcastic Ocean and the Light

    Among the debris, I know I see something just off center.

    It looks like a light house leading the way in a mysterious dark night's blanket over an ocean.

    The ocean is so big, sometimes I think I will be lost its vastness forever.

    This little vessel is so small I don't know if she can make it through the waves, and violent currents.

    That beacon of light, it's so warm, I can almost feel its love.

    No matter how much I move though, I cannot reach that light, waves crashing against the little vessel, her walls taking the hits of sarcastic humor, neglectful play, from a disrespectful ocean.

    Every wavy bump reminds me of the cruelty held in this body of water tainted with a nothing.

    Almost nearing the light, I see off in the distance a rouge wave ... will I survive?

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    When power leads man towards arrogance, poetry reminds him of his limitations. When power narrows the area of man's concern, poetry reminds him of the richness and diversity of existence. When power corrupts, poetry cleanses.

    John F. Kennedy (1917-1963) Thirty-fifth President of the USA

    alldreamz’s Poems (57)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Thoughts. 0
    A request. 0
    Irony 3
    The Love Blossom 1
    You are here. 0
    pulling away 0
    The statement 0
    The last letter. 0
    All is not lost 0
    The call of the desperate lover 0
    wonder. 0
    minutes in time. 0
    Born out of scars 2
    unfaithful lover. 2
    Letter to my ..lover? 0
    Miracle dream 1
    Fire in the sky 0
    There is always hope in you. 1
    The rambling of a loser. 0
    The end. (Doomsday proclamation) 2
    Giving in to the void 0
    Never again, never the same. 0
    Predicament 0
    Conflict of the tri part being. 0
    The question. 0
    .. thoughts and such 1
    Who is then? 0
    Messenger moon 2
    NEED 4
    Beautiful power. 2
    The random thoughts of an unseen lover. 1
    stuck 2
    Numb is bliss. 1
    Stranger. 0
    An angel's love a stranger's promise. 0
    The most dangerous safe place 1
    Limbo 0
    Golden cage. 0
    Last night. 1
    twisted worlds 2
    My constant 0
    .....wake up 2
    The fairy tale fever 1
    A past life 0
    The Rambling Lover 0
    Snowwhite's mirror. 3
    Everything everywhere then.. I am sad. 0
    Dialouge with God. 3
    The six senses of truth. 2
    The sarcastic Ocean and the Light 0
    the run. 2
    Scatter 1
    Chosen, Shadow, and the void. 1
    The Lion and the viking. 1
    Not okay. 1
    "Stitches for fun" 2