The Rambling Lover


  • alldreamz
  • writing , thinking, becoming/being inspired..... studying, working, wondering and traveling.

The Rambling Lover

Valentine sweet Valentine love what a shame my valentine has fallen out of love.

Your flower meets my eye with an unintended pun too bad, what a loss,.. keep me close to your heart.

Walking the streets of some romantic setting with a hand in a strangers you have made into your own.

We know the end result let's keep it silent in our souls until we meet again even then never exposed.

The fire inside is kept quenched with an empty promise of reuniting our flames one day after this life... This pathetic promise is supposed to let me sleep at night?

You look into the eyes of a restless girl hoping to fill the void inside your own heart with her cheap pearls.

You know you had your diamond glistening in the sun, but you've chosen that costume jewlery in an attempt to move on.

I understand I completely agree, I know there is no other way there is no new street.

You have to pretend our eyes never met, and if you remember in a daydream still.. what then?

It's okay long lost lover, one day maybe the two of us we will recover.

So wrong isn't it? When we're in the same old place exchanging glances that never seem to fade away.

Instead each glance or sigh is kept in a resevouir of our distasteful "place".

We walk such a fine line.. look down you see what an incredibly skinny little line....

Ahh the kiss of the sun without you a -sting inside.

The old embrace of the moon to balance it out

I miss you.

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The true philosopher and the true poet are one, and a beauty, which is truth, and a truth, which is beauty, is the aim of both.

Ralph Waldo Emerson, American Poet (1803-1882)

alldreamz’s Poems (57)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Thoughts. 0
A request. 0
Irony 3
The Love Blossom 1
You are here. 0
pulling away 0
The statement 0
The last letter. 0
All is not lost 0
The call of the desperate lover 0
wonder. 0
minutes in time. 0
Born out of scars 2
unfaithful lover. 2
Letter to my ..lover? 0
Miracle dream 1
Fire in the sky 0
There is always hope in you. 1
The rambling of a loser. 0
The end. (Doomsday proclamation) 2
Giving in to the void 0
Never again, never the same. 0
Predicament 0
Conflict of the tri part being. 0
The question. 0
.. thoughts and such 1
Who is then? 0
Messenger moon 2
Beautiful power. 2
The random thoughts of an unseen lover. 1
stuck 2
Numb is bliss. 1
Stranger. 0
An angel's love a stranger's promise. 0
The most dangerous safe place 1
Limbo 0
Golden cage. 0
Last night. 1
twisted worlds 2
My constant 0
.....wake up 2
The fairy tale fever 1
A past life 0
The Rambling Lover 0
Snowwhite's mirror. 3
Everything everywhere then.. I am sad. 0
Dialouge with God. 3
The six senses of truth. 2
The sarcastic Ocean and the Light 0
the run. 2
Scatter 1
Chosen, Shadow, and the void. 1
The Lion and the viking. 1
Not okay. 1
"Stitches for fun" 2