Letter to my ..lover?


  • Angst
    • alldreamz
    • writing , thinking, becoming/being inspired..... studying, working, wondering and traveling.

    Letter to my ..lover?

    Dear soul,

    If you receive this letter it's because I am so desperate for you to hear my cries for you!

    My love, my soul, when you are around my world is complete and there is no doubt that I have in the world.

    If I could die a million lifetimes just to be with you again, I would gladly do it without a second thought for fear or hesitation.

    If only you could feel all these things as I do, to know the pain of seperation, or maybe you do? 

    I need to know you are mine to... because no matter where I go or what I do I know i'm cursed to love you to.

    Words cannot even begin to explain the ache I feel every day you are gone from me.

    I know I can never be with you freely, walk the world with you by my side .. so I invite death's loving touch to take away the pain.. maybe then I could meet you on the other side.

    But death will not come.. life forces me to live out this torture, being distant from the only true peace I've ever known!

    I beg fate to give me the chance to tell you all these things, but fate is busy bringing other lovers together and leaving me stranded in this madness.

    Please love have courage for us both like you once did, and tell me all the things you see as you see them ..

    I speak my love into the air hoping it finds its way to you.. and still just the thought you may never know kills me.

    My love this letter will never find you and for that I cry so hard so deep that I will have nothing but salt left of these salty tears!

    Loving you is all I know to be real worthy and true, if I would have been a dead woman walking if it hadn't been for you.

    I beg the earth to open up and let me fall straight into your arms,..

    Only a miracle can bring you to me now this has gone too far.

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    To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

    Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

    alldreamz’s Poems (57)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Thoughts. 0
    A request. 0
    Irony 3
    The Love Blossom 1
    You are here. 0
    pulling away 0
    The statement 0
    The last letter. 0
    All is not lost 0
    The call of the desperate lover 0
    wonder. 0
    minutes in time. 0
    Born out of scars 2
    unfaithful lover. 2
    Letter to my ..lover? 0
    Miracle dream 1
    Fire in the sky 0
    There is always hope in you. 1
    The rambling of a loser. 0
    The end. (Doomsday proclamation) 2
    Giving in to the void 0
    Never again, never the same. 0
    Predicament 0
    Conflict of the tri part being. 0
    The question. 0
    .. thoughts and such 1
    Who is then? 0
    Messenger moon 2
    NEED 4
    Beautiful power. 2
    The random thoughts of an unseen lover. 1
    stuck 2
    Numb is bliss. 1
    Stranger. 0
    An angel's love a stranger's promise. 0
    The most dangerous safe place 1
    Limbo 0
    Golden cage. 0
    Last night. 1
    twisted worlds 2
    My constant 0
    .....wake up 2
    The fairy tale fever 1
    A past life 0
    The Rambling Lover 0
    Snowwhite's mirror. 3
    Everything everywhere then.. I am sad. 0
    Dialouge with God. 3
    The six senses of truth. 2
    The sarcastic Ocean and the Light 0
    the run. 2
    Scatter 1
    Chosen, Shadow, and the void. 1
    The Lion and the viking. 1
    Not okay. 1
    "Stitches for fun" 2