An angel's love a stranger's promise.


  • alldreamz
  • writing , thinking, becoming/being inspired..... studying, working, wondering and traveling.

Poem Commentary

I was inspired to write this after reading a book called fallen... <3

An angel's love a stranger's promise.

Her world is filled with the stillness of the present.

The past is all too fast, to precious to remember .. to dangerous...

The current rain falls with no passion, but the old raindrops made an orchestra blush with envy.

What is there now but the hollow fossil of what once was the adventure of life.. slowly decayed throughout the borish years.

Her vague memories fill her mind, shadows from a world long gone but yet still so much alive.

Images taint her sleep everytime she closes her eyes, in the place of a wistful revery there are the dark clouds that taunt her relentlessly.

Then she wakes to the sound of an old familiar voice, the voice of a lover past, the only one that mattered truly an .... angel.

His wings enclose her with the love of God himself, their bright essence fills her heartsick heart with hope...

Who is this hero come to save her life, her heart and her soul?

Suddenly a bright light fills her mind's eye, and she sees what they were.

Heavenly skies open up and the two asend into a loving place, filled with the never ending sound of sining, no crying to be found among the endless corridor of this safe beautiful dwelling.

Ther was a time love was the most simple thing to find, where there was no challenge in the act itself, all fell into place like a simple puzzle.

Now times have changed, the love she has she questions, there is no security just an empty bottomless pit of nothing.

No familiar lover stays here with her to ease her mind, only a stranger called friend,.. but who is this stranger really? Will she ever know the truth behind all he is?

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Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

alldreamz’s Poems (57)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Thoughts. 0
A request. 0
Irony 3
The Love Blossom 1
You are here. 0
pulling away 0
The statement 0
The last letter. 0
All is not lost 0
The call of the desperate lover 0
wonder. 0
minutes in time. 0
Born out of scars 2
unfaithful lover. 2
Letter to my ..lover? 0
Miracle dream 1
Fire in the sky 0
There is always hope in you. 1
The rambling of a loser. 0
The end. (Doomsday proclamation) 2
Giving in to the void 0
Never again, never the same. 0
Predicament 0
Conflict of the tri part being. 0
The question. 0
.. thoughts and such 1
Who is then? 0
Messenger moon 2
Beautiful power. 2
The random thoughts of an unseen lover. 1
stuck 2
Numb is bliss. 1
Stranger. 0
An angel's love a stranger's promise. 0
The most dangerous safe place 1
Limbo 0
Golden cage. 0
Last night. 1
twisted worlds 2
My constant 0
.....wake up 2
The fairy tale fever 1
A past life 0
The Rambling Lover 0
Snowwhite's mirror. 3
Everything everywhere then.. I am sad. 0
Dialouge with God. 3
The six senses of truth. 2
The sarcastic Ocean and the Light 0
the run. 2
Scatter 1
Chosen, Shadow, and the void. 1
The Lion and the viking. 1
Not okay. 1
"Stitches for fun" 2