The Pure Gift


  • Love
  • ,
  • Death
  • ,
  • Family

    Poem Commentary

    this poem was written in celebration of every woman who gave her life so her child could be born

    The Pure Gift

    In hues of pink and blue
    Her profile was shadowed through the mist
    Eyes prosaic and indefinite
    Though profound in their given moment

    Abstract surrealism
    Energized by warped meditation
    Presence lucid but not her purpose
    Vanished after a brief emergence

    The wandering mind
    Bequeathed with doubt and uncertainty
    Angelic host testing the psyche,
    the body, in fighting its decline

    But in due time her motive was clear

    Survival of the soul
    Her apparition gave me the strength
    In sacrifice of the self for love
    of the unborn

    In death, I shall deliver the pure gift

    Poem Comments


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    jademelissa74 commented on The Pure Gift


    Wow! This is amazingly written. I love the content. This poem is very warm and delicate. You are a very talented poet. :))

    Artie commented on The Pure Gift


    Wow!! This is really good! Great concept, and you told it very well. 10 from me.

    Poetry is not the expression of personality but an escape from personality.

    T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

    dawnjyc’s Poems (18)

    Title Comments
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    Silent Tears 9
    A Change in Destiny 9
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    The Pure Gift 2
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    A Jealous Mother's Love 7
    Reflections of Me 8
    Purple Moon 5
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