The Daisy


The Daisy

What is it about the daisy?
Like a beckoning of bright white
That summons the life of the soul
And blooms in dawn’s early light

What is it about the daisy?
Her perceptive ray of flower
Her center radiates like the sun
And spreads her childish power

What is it about the daisy?
The maiden who is called the day’s eye
Is she the prophet of nature?
Birthed by our ponderous cry

Alas, I have met the daisy
A guide, an element of spring
I have been drawn to her bounty
And forever crave for what she may bring

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When power leads man towards arrogance, poetry reminds him of his limitations. When power narrows the area of man's concern, poetry reminds him of the richness and diversity of existence. When power corrupts, poetry cleanses.

John F. Kennedy (1917-1963) Thirty-fifth President of the USA

dawnjyc’s Poems (18)

Title Comments
Title Comments
The Daisy 0
The Euphoric Ascension 0
The Angel, The Wolf, And The Moon 0
A Vision Ending in Autumn 0
Intuitive Spirit 7
Mystified by Truth 4
the dark horse 6
The Warning - A Haiku 5
Silent Tears 9
A Change in Destiny 9
Bitter Cold 8
The Delusion 5
The Pure Gift 2
The Empty Shell 7
A Jealous Mother's Love 7
Reflections of Me 8
Purple Moon 5
Still Breath Butterfly 9