The Empty Shell


The Empty Shell

What I now perceive with the eyes
Is not what I have known in heart
As if to imagine a rose
Full of passion, vigor, and bright
And then to realize just a weed
Who is this new me that I see?
Unrecognizable being
Habiting the old body
That housed the same soul, so I thought
Struggling to find love for self
Judged by others who once knew me
Larger than in the prior life
But an empty shell, nonetheless
In the eye of the beholder
Is not where true beauty does lie
It shall be found only in heart
But alas, the heart has grown cold
By what its eyes has deceived of
Not enough to feel good within
The universe has informed me
That weight has made me different
And I have accepted defeat

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Nadia1986 commented on The Empty Shell


We all feel empty at times in life. Your poem is dead on with describeing those dark emotions.

FranzJ commented on The Empty Shell


no one is an empty shell - everyone has a meaning- - - - - -

ginga commented on The Empty Shell


Dawn, A poem of trial that has it's dark moments. I like that it speaks so clearly of its woe. ginga

gogant commented on The Empty Shell


We all have some feelings that are best kept hidden from others and ourselves. You have brought one to thinking about life a little deeper......................Quite good, indeed...................gogant

redbloodink commented on The Empty Shell


wow BOLD and beautifully writen.... I'm left with lil to say..... Loved it..... Red

Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It's that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that's what the poet does.

Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) U.S. poet.

dawnjyc’s Poems (18)

Title Comments
Title Comments
The Daisy 0
The Euphoric Ascension 0
The Angel, The Wolf, And The Moon 0
A Vision Ending in Autumn 0
Intuitive Spirit 7
Mystified by Truth 4
the dark horse 6
The Warning - A Haiku 5
Silent Tears 9
A Change in Destiny 9
Bitter Cold 8
The Delusion 5
The Pure Gift 2
The Empty Shell 7
A Jealous Mother's Love 7
Reflections of Me 8
Purple Moon 5
Still Breath Butterfly 9