The Delusion


Poem Commentary

I am in the process of writing my second novel, The Delusion.  This poem was written for the MC who is a poet at heart and this poem will represent the novel. 

The Delusion


The cold dark canvass of the pond
Is perfected for natures art
Thriving by the light of its moon
The pond flickers with life
Yet, remains ever still

 Capturing only what is real
Its reflections are distorted
By what lies deep underneath
Habiting murky souls
It remains ever still

 Mesmerizing the mind, it calls
With promises of friendship, peace
But its haunting breath enfolds you
Bequeathing you with fear
Yet, remains ever still

 There is a lone tree by the pond
You run for its stability
Trusting in its deep seeded source
But it is the Delusion
It possesses and leaves you

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Meldarth commented on The Delusion

03-07-2010; the imagery.......very deep Dawn.....loved it.....



Thank you very much!

jademelissa74 commented on The Delusion


At face value, this piece offers such a wonderful imagery, imagery that leads the reader to a realization of life trials and tribulations. Your words are piercing in content. Great job Dawn!

dahlusion commented on The Delusion


Beautifully surreal, dreamy, dark and light. I am wondering: should it be Illusion instead of Delusion, or am I missing a deeper more subtle message in my translation?



Thank you for you kind comments. It is definitely a delusion as the tree represents a false security.

Artie commented on The Delusion


This is crazy good!! It has beauty, depth, imagery, and a poignant message. 10 x 10 from me



Thank you so much! Your comment gave me a little boost!!

gogant commented on The Delusion


I guess you could say...still waters run deep. Very nice work.............................................................................gogant



Thank you!

Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It's that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that's what the poet does.

Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) U.S. poet.

dawnjyc’s Poems (18)

Title Comments
Title Comments
The Daisy 0
The Euphoric Ascension 0
The Angel, The Wolf, And The Moon 0
A Vision Ending in Autumn 0
Intuitive Spirit 7
Mystified by Truth 4
the dark horse 6
The Warning - A Haiku 5
Silent Tears 9
A Change in Destiny 9
Bitter Cold 8
The Delusion 5
The Pure Gift 2
The Empty Shell 7
A Jealous Mother's Love 7
Reflections of Me 8
Purple Moon 5
Still Breath Butterfly 9