Still Breath Butterfly


Still Breath Butterfly

It was just a moment but the world stood still
Sleep peaceful butterfly sleep

600 new moons cradled her salty eyes
into each daunting dreamless sleepless sleep
and she faced each dawn with a graying aura
Reflecting on years of a sullen youth

This butterfly yearned for a fulfilling life
Treasures gifted her peers took pleasure in
Dangling for her to see but not partake
Envious thoughts teasing the tender mind

Love-Undying Love

She drank of the cup and danced the faerie dance
Whispers of drink butterfly drink promised new hope
But even in her altered state her wings would not spread
This butterfly would never experience the flight

She cried to the angels too many times to count
Heal this butterfly heal with no answered prayer
Friends and Foe masked with promise offered no faith
And this butterfly felt as though she would never come alive

The mighty storm could not compete with her weary mind
And she took on the wind alone, in a lonesome world
But with each strike of lightning she braved another fear
Until there was nothing left to brave but fear of fear

She saddened to regret for the lies that she told
To entice those masked foes to a life yet explored
She gained none and offered all yet never enough
For when it was time to turn down the light

Alone-Always Alone

It was her time for her God was calling
Come Butterfly Come, I will offer you peace
And though this butterfly felt to young to go
She accepted the fate and nodded approvingly

Her cancer was expected

And in her last dying breath, this butterfly was set free
Dying-Die but yet so alive
Masked foes exclaimed of their faking woes
And she smiled at their wickedly wrongs

A light warmed within her soul
And she felt peace

Finally-Forever Final

And in a gasp, as in frozen ice

It was just a moment but the world stood still
Sleep peaceful butterfly sleep

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Artie commented on Still Breath Butterfly


This is very good. The emotions you show, are felt deeply - 10 from me

laydbak1 commented on Still Breath Butterfly


Awe, such a sweet, and moving piece... And, the freedom of forever became her... Good write....

SpiritSong commented on Still Breath Butterfly


yes,i agree with many here, artistry, moving, sentimental, stirring,and it brought us into a very human story, and gracefully released us with Butterfly at the end into freedoms newness of life..thank you ... dawnjyc



Thank you so much for reading and taking the time to write such a nice comment it is so appreciated.

peggyrisrael commented on Still Breath Butterfly


This was terrific, and really made me cry1 Thanks for writing such a beautiful poem. It was so honest, and heartfelt and true!

suezqt7 commented on Still Breath Butterfly


This is beautiful and very well done. I enjoyed it tremendously and appreciate the artistry behind this moving piece.

Poetry is what is lost in translation.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

dawnjyc’s Poems (18)

Title Comments
Title Comments
The Daisy 0
The Euphoric Ascension 0
The Angel, The Wolf, And The Moon 0
A Vision Ending in Autumn 0
Intuitive Spirit 7
Mystified by Truth 4
the dark horse 6
The Warning - A Haiku 5
Silent Tears 9
A Change in Destiny 9
Bitter Cold 8
The Delusion 5
The Pure Gift 2
The Empty Shell 7
A Jealous Mother's Love 7
Reflections of Me 8
Purple Moon 5
Still Breath Butterfly 9