A Jealous Mother's Love


Poem Commentary

At 37 years old, I was finally given the opportunity to find my real father.  My mother lovingly offered up all the information.  But she knew, he was already dead. Reality set in big.   The last part is for my aunt, my mothers sister.  I was angry when I wrote this so I really do not know if it flows well to the reader. 

A Jealous Mother's Love

Veiled from him, Reserved from them, Forbidden from her 
I am bound by your possessiveness

Estranged at birth unknown by only eight digits
I starved for a one true fathers love

Peering through you, I secretly wished for his ghost 
And only granted a dream that’s vague

Your selfishness greater, a jealous mothers love
Sealing the truth until his demise

Mortality is cruel, but I am awakened
By its reality, I am freed

We were ripped apart by the worlds you created
I, prohibited to say goodbye

The tears I shed were for the guilt you shaped, the hurt
You were gifted my sealed composure

How unfair you have been to me, hiding their love
So all I had to turn to was you

Alive and well, eight states north and seven digits
My soul wants to reach out for her love

By fate we were close, but our walks made us closer
It angered you and I dealt with your mockery

Salt to the wound, by your words you would disown me
Shall a chance to say I love you pass by

Mortality is cruel, but I am awakened
By its realty, I am bound

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laydbak1 commented on A Jealous Mother's Love


The deep seated pain and hopeless frustration held me to the end here... I know a woman who went through this torment from the other side, as the mother who kept desperately trying to find a son given away at birth some 30 years before... The cries to fill in at least some of those lost years can be quite loud inside... A good write...



Thank you so much. Bent up anger and emotion went into this piece and I thank you for taking the time to read and comment.

jademelissa74 commented on A Jealous Mother's Love


The emotional phrases used to compose this piece are incredibly vivid. The pain, anguish, anger, acceptance, defeat, I can go on and on...these are felt through the entire poem. You manage to reach the reader and maintain a level of interest! Outstanding Job!



Wow-thank you and thank you for always taking the time to read and comment. I will be sure to return the favor.

suezqt7 commented on A Jealous Mother's Love


How moving! I was deeply affected as you shared your range of emotions at such a difficult time. Trying as parenting can be at times, I cannot imagine a mother heaping such sorrows on a child. My heartfelt 'thank you' for the insights you share may prevent another parent somewhere from making the same mistakes.



Thank you! I think just writing this lifted a huge weight off my shoulders. I hope the message gets into the right hands.

WordSlinger commented on A Jealous Mother's Love


A very touching poem,(( Mortality is cruel, but I am awakened By its reality, I am freed), is my favoritie lines in it. :)



Thanks WordSlinger. The poem is really centered around that line. I have considered renaming it but will leave it for now.

UnworthyFather commented on A Jealous Mother's Love


Wonderful portrayal of a saddened, embittered heart. Your loss is perhaps greater than losing a father that one knew. You will never know what 'could have been'. Thank you for sharing your innermost feelings.



I think that is the hardest part "the not knowing." But my therapy is in writing so this is the best forum for it. Thank you for taking the time to read and comment.

Poetry is what gets lost in translation.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

dawnjyc’s Poems (18)

Title Comments
Title Comments
The Daisy 0
The Euphoric Ascension 0
The Angel, The Wolf, And The Moon 0
A Vision Ending in Autumn 0
Intuitive Spirit 7
Mystified by Truth 4
the dark horse 6
The Warning - A Haiku 5
Silent Tears 9
A Change in Destiny 9
Bitter Cold 8
The Delusion 5
The Pure Gift 2
The Empty Shell 7
A Jealous Mother's Love 7
Reflections of Me 8
Purple Moon 5
Still Breath Butterfly 9