Thanksgiving Fun


Poem Commentary

Here is a nice Thanksgiving poem. ;-)

Thanksgiving Fun

Attack the bird
Kill it down
Lop its head off
A chopping sound


Put some bread
in its butt
Add some egg
and some nuts


In the oven
it will bake
You have to eat some
before the cake


A plate of meat
is passed around
Never again
will it make a sound


Grab a wing,
a leg, a thigh
Before it was killed
did it ask why?

Green Peace and PETA
will have a fit
Ellen D. and Portia
will be in a snit

Americans have
this yearly habit
Why not next year
we just have rabbit?


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Artie commented on Thanksgiving Fun


OMG!! I love this!! Awesome sense of humor, and nice stab a reality as well - 10 from me

knight4696 commented on Thanksgiving Fun


Moot - you do have one helluva sense of humor dude! :) Cracked me up .. Love the Ellen D and Portia line! Great Turkey Day Poem! :) Ken

Kanicki commented on Thanksgiving Fun


Love the humor, thanks for the smiles...LOL I use to be a vegetarian...I still try to stay away from animals with for feet, so no bunnies, I use to have one for a pet. Good Job.



I am glad you got a chuckle. Thanks for reading. :)

MindNumbing commented on Thanksgiving Fun


LOL!! Thanks for the smile, Moot. The over-indulgence and absolute gluttony that takes place here in America every single year in November is ridiculous if you ask me. Then again, it's tough to be a vegetarian on Thanksgiving, I've tried!! haha! Nicely done!



Yeah, I guess it is better not to think about old tom turkey. Thanks for the comment. ")

ApaqRasgirl commented on Thanksgiving Fun

11-03-2010 that was really funny......thanks my friend, I needed that has been hell trying to get over having some teeth pulled........dam butcher at the health you gave me just what I needed...that was just too asha



Some teeth pulled? Ouch! Glad I could tickle your funny bone. Thanks for the comment. :)

Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

MootPoint’s Poems (40)

Title Comments
Title Comments
As a Fine Wine 5
Broken Blades 4
A Gift 4
A Treasure 2
Alone on the moon 6
A Void in Space 4
The Day the Towers Fell 2
Dance and Drift 2
Set Free 3
Seduction of a Succubus 4
Moot Points 2
Follows Me 3
Lost to Addiction 4
An Intruder 9
Crevices of the Mind 28
Thanksgiving Fun 10
Caught 10
By the Wind 14
From Mossy Green 15
Majestic One 12
A Lad from Liverpool 14
I want it all 16
A Whisper 11
Escaped 11
Trials of the Soul 7
Bedtime Story 5
Soft Kisses 12
Muy Loco 17
Unbearable Pain 13
Same Ol' Same Ol' 6
Choose 20
Behind the Words 20
Dark Psycho 22
The Psychopath 11
Crouching by the Window 13
Humpty Dumpty Sat on a Nail 10
Kinky Site 18
They Screech 25
Brain Haze 9
Lost Soul 13