A Treasure


  • Poetry

    A Treasure

    A Treasure

    A Poem is a lily alone by a stream
    Virgin white petals caught in a dream
    A light sweet scent, a beautiful bloom
    A morning delight, a fragrant perfume

    A pistil sprinkling of golden saffron
    A treasure to have happened upon
    A wonderful art forever not lost
    A soul in awe melts the night frost

    Outpouring of passion, a divine gift
    Opening of heart; heavenly bliss
    Not noticed by casual passers-by
    To this troubadour; splendor comprised

    Poem Comments


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    Mandi commented on A Treasure


    definitely, positively my favorite I love the imagery.... and the feeling is like smooth velvet pouring over you



    Thank you so much :)

    mspoetris commented on A Treasure


    You place such pictures in your poetry. Each line glides gracefully into the next, and the rhyme dances with musical notes. I like this, very much...



    Thank you so much for you comments. :)

    Poetry is not the expression of personality but an escape from personality.

    T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

    MootPoint’s Poems (40)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    As a Fine Wine 5
    Broken Blades 4
    A Gift 4
    A Treasure 2
    Alone on the moon 6
    A Void in Space 4
    The Day the Towers Fell 2
    Dance and Drift 2
    Set Free 3
    Seduction of a Succubus 4
    Moot Points 2
    Follows Me 3
    Lost to Addiction 4
    An Intruder 9
    Crevices of the Mind 28
    Thanksgiving Fun 10
    Caught 10
    By the Wind 14
    From Mossy Green 15
    Majestic One 12
    A Lad from Liverpool 14
    I want it all 16
    A Whisper 11
    Escaped 11
    Trials of the Soul 7
    Bedtime Story 5
    Soft Kisses 12
    Muy Loco 17
    Unbearable Pain 13
    Same Ol' Same Ol' 6
    Choose 20
    Behind the Words 20
    Dark Psycho 22
    The Psychopath 11
    Crouching by the Window 13
    Humpty Dumpty Sat on a Nail 10
    Kinky Site 18
    They Screech 25
    Brain Haze 9
    Lost Soul 13