Follows Me


  • Fun

    Follows Me

    He sometimes leads the way

    Sometimes he lags behind

    Follows me in the day

    Has no name but he’s mine

    On rainy days he’s gone

    He finds another place

    He will be dead and lost

    Once I've gone to outer space

    He notes errs I’m making

    He keeps an eye on me

    Knows where I am sleeping

    He’s in dreams I sometimes see

    He’s really not much fun

    Has no prominent features

    There’s a place he calls home

    It is dark and full of creatures

    April 13, 2011

    Poem Comments


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    poett commented on Follows Me


    Kind of made me think of a scary little creature as your shadow following you hahaha. Nice write

    cheronld commented on Follows Me


    Nicely done my friend...I smiled reading this and the first thing that came to mind was...your shadow....wrong or right...this was a great write...I so did not mean to



    You got it right. I took some artistic liberties towards the end. Thanks again.

    ShadowEyes commented on Follows Me


    Very nicely written. :) I really like the way you have written this. Keep up your work :)



    Thanks Shadow's Eyes. :)

    The true philosopher and the true poet are one, and a beauty, which is truth, and a truth, which is beauty, is the aim of both.

    Ralph Waldo Emerson, American Poet (1803-1882)

    MootPoint’s Poems (40)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    As a Fine Wine 5
    Broken Blades 4
    A Gift 4
    A Treasure 2
    Alone on the moon 6
    A Void in Space 4
    The Day the Towers Fell 2
    Dance and Drift 2
    Set Free 3
    Seduction of a Succubus 4
    Moot Points 2
    Follows Me 3
    Lost to Addiction 4
    An Intruder 9
    Crevices of the Mind 28
    Thanksgiving Fun 10
    Caught 10
    By the Wind 14
    From Mossy Green 15
    Majestic One 12
    A Lad from Liverpool 14
    I want it all 16
    A Whisper 11
    Escaped 11
    Trials of the Soul 7
    Bedtime Story 5
    Soft Kisses 12
    Muy Loco 17
    Unbearable Pain 13
    Same Ol' Same Ol' 6
    Choose 20
    Behind the Words 20
    Dark Psycho 22
    The Psychopath 11
    Crouching by the Window 13
    Humpty Dumpty Sat on a Nail 10
    Kinky Site 18
    They Screech 25
    Brain Haze 9
    Lost Soul 13