Kinky Site


  • Erotica

    Kinky Site

    My idle mind craved fantasy.

    Elated, my tingly flesh quivered.

    Lingered the days of lusty chats.

    Typed words unleashed still send shivers.


    Tells of her womanly requests

    PixeyGirl punctuates with winks.

    Shared all my physical wants and

    Accepted me with all my strange kinks.


    Exposed all my sexual delights.

    Felt the need to present my skills.

    Exciting bondage, S and M.

    Nothing mattered but the thrills.


    Pain heightens sexual pleasure.

    A dominatrix ruled my days.

    Virtual whip sweetly stings my

    Arousing body setting it ablaze.


    We talked of meeting eye to eye.

    She didn’t think I had the guts.

    Had pondered deeds of ecstasy.

    Should I meet this band of sluts?


    Depicted acts of pain and pleasure.

    All my inner thoughts on display.

    Naked bodies for all to see.

    Erotic things bloggers say.


    The day came I left the site.

    Smutty vixens crossed the line.

    Realized I was not content.

    Spat out the lustiness of my mind.

    Poem Comments


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    ShadowEyes commented on Kinky Site


    I gotta say I'm impressed by this one. I like the way you have written this. Great work. :)



    ShadowsEyes. I am glad you like this one. Thanks, Al

    KellyRedhead commented on Kinky Site


    Well-written and titillating. A warning, too. Because I write some erotica, I'm trying to be careful at DeviantArt. I'm in two groups there...BDSM writing, lol. Kelly



    I am careful not to be too explicit. Thanks for reading and the comment (and the thumbs up). :)

    ApaqRasgirl commented on Kinky Site


    wow, that was great, oh the power of yes the S & M is very exciting even more so it you put it with the B & loved it.......say no more else expose whats there.......grins loves ya asha

    Madelynn commented on Kinky Site


    A vivid portrayal of being swept away with cyber-lust! Your poetic choice of words were both hot- and intelligent! I think that this 'story' affair..will speak to almost every PC junkie out there! Sometimes we need to remind ourselves that the one typing on the other end is not a fantasy your mind dreamed up/ but a real human-being.-very capable of satisfying our desires, but also of ruining our world-and breaking our hearts.(not to mention, possible killing us!,yikes) -gotta say though..the beginning of a cyber affair is extreamly exciting; the mystery, the uninhibited thoughts-pretty smokin stuff!-That's how WordSlinger and I started, and we got lucky 'cause neither one of us are toads,lol!-but don't 4get..that the typer could be like 400+ hundred pounds with a personal-sanitary problem, and goofy...ewww.GreatWrite, 10!!-Maddi



    Thanks for the comment. You are most kind. It's a long story, but I am cybering free and have been for 2 or 3 years. Instead of AA meetings they should have CA meetings. (Cybering Anonymous)

    Maleficent commented on Kinky Site


    Idk how I passed this one up before, but what a find! totally lusty and erotic... write on! ;)

    Poetry is not the expression of personality but an escape from personality.

    T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

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