Alone on the moon


  • Lonely

    Alone on the moon

    Alone on the moon

    Jagged landscape stretches to the horizon
    Shadows shroud all hope and trust
    Reaching out into the abyss
    Gleaming at the Earth in cold sadness

    A hollow resonance of what once was
    Void of soft touch and emotion
    Negating all humanity
    Sun dips down over a crater with no virtue

    Eclipsing cerebral chasms
    Unveiling the dark side of a soul
    Waxing and waning away tormented days
    Alone on the moon

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    MikeDomino commented on Alone on the moon


    This , to me , is an expression of a desire for human contact and boredom and loneliness and isolaton. It's a healthy expression of self awareness but to begs to offer a solution . One can remain in isolation and find peace but only along spiritual lines or they can use to pain of isolation as a motivation to go out and find ways to mingle with humanity . Even a person like a monk or spiritual practitioner needs to go out into the world and test his idea and the only way to do that is to let the minds of others mirror back to them what they believe to be true or virtuous . Writing certainly helps . After much trial and error I have concluded that for myself , a few close friends making 5 minutes available for everyone else I come across in my day works for me . Through this site I created relationships which have lasted for 10 years . Yes the moon is far away but sometime the front door to our homes can even be further if we are locked inside our own minds . A writer should go out into the world - my opinion - and then come home and write about . This is a courageous poem . Many people don;t want to express such deep feelings .



    Yes, I could have ended on a good note. The poem was more to share my pain than to give advice. I can be surrounded by people, but feel very much alone. When you were sitting on that stoop reading your newspaper and drinking your coffee, you preferred to be alone. You found another stoop. Thank you for commenting :)



    Exactly - you will find your balance - too much human exposure and we find ourselves running around , not enough and we lose touch with the world . Out there - are the people , place and things we want to write about - through our eyes . I went through a period ( a purge ) of all things coming form my head - as time went on by view expanded - now mostly I try to diminish the I and Me in my work - but it always comes through and should but In a subtle way I think ! Just write : I suggest you read Charles Bukowski - he seems lie your kind of guy !

    MikeDomino commented on Alone on the moon


    In the empty space is where we find everything . From there we can then choose what to fill in some of the space and when - but we don;t want to fill it back up to much - for in the empty space of nothing is life itself undisturbed by the distractions of man , place and things . Nature prevails .



    Nice thought :)



    Thanks - In case you are interested - here is my writer blog - short stories/ essays . I see that you are working on a short story ! That's great .

    Crush commented on Alone on the moon


    Yeah. Very nice very dark. I felt so alone at the end of this piece. Well done and realized . Ten

    Plot121 commented on Alone on the moon


    The visuals in this were very nice the description was right on. I loved how you painted the background here. The only thing it really could not say to the reader is how you got alone on the moon and why. Just a thought great description though. Plot121



    It is a metaphor for how alone you can feel. Thank you for commenting.

    kkirkwood commented on Alone on the moon


    Truly enjoyed your images. I can really see myself drifting in space.



    Thank you much

    Poetry is what gets lost in translation.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    MootPoint’s Poems (40)

    Title Comments
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    A Gift 4
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    Alone on the moon 6
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