From Mossy Green


  • Fate
  • ,
  • Fear
  • ,
  • Death

    From Mossy Green

    A crocodile wades

            in muddy stream

    Watching eyes gaze

            from mossy green

    Stalking and waiting

            a chance to strike

    This sneaky one does

            whatever it likes


    Water so inviting

            attracts you near

    Not knowing the time

            you mostly fear

    You take a small sip

            to quench your thirst

    Hidden by weeds

            dark lizard lurks



    You are whom it wants

             to seize and devour

    Be awake and vigilant

            You not know the hour

    Approaches quietly

            this night time thief

    No escaping jagged

             reptilian teeth


    You have no choice

             Fate’s inevitable

    From death roll grip

             Fleeing impossible

    You turn and yell

             with last dying breath

    How can this be it?

             How can this be my death?

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    ApaqRasgirl commented on From Mossy Green


    wow that was incredible dear friend...I loved this enticing it catches the reader to the predators grasp........wonderful read......loves ya asha



    Asha, thanks.

    angel33614 commented on From Mossy Green


    Interesting write that can be taken from several view points, one of a literal translation and another based on metaphor. I see something perhaps deeper, so deeper I musty go. I find the first hint of the real menaing in this line "Not knowing the time, you mostly fear". I feel this line speaks to that of the great unknown, the reaper come to collect his balance, death's embrace that often comes when we least expect it. Very few people can look death in the face as they know it is coming for them, most runa dn hide or pretend it is not there, but death is part of life and is the end point of us all, this is forsure. "Be awake and vigilant ,You know not the hour". As no one knows for sure when death comes knocking and when our last hour comes to a close, better to live for th day and enjoy and live life while it lasts. "No escaping jagged, reptilian teeth. You have no choice, Fate’s inevitable", As much as we run and try to hide, even pretend that death doesn't exist, it is the end fate of us all and is unexcapable and inevitable that death's grip will come for us all. "How can this be it, How can this be my death?". I think this is often a question that most ask upon thier death, is this it? A question in the end, is there more, or is this the way I will die and my body turn into the forever dust. The eternal question of life and death, of one's body versus the transformation of one's soul as evermore, is this the way I will die??? very insightful and thought provoeking to say the least! Purity of the soul, journey well!!! with grace and humility ANGEL-POB for life! aka A blind man walking...



    A little stolen from the good book. It will take you like a thief in the night. You will not know the hour. Hey, thanks for the comment.

    kmooney commented on From Mossy Green


    That is not the way I want to go. Croc bait. Crocs freak me out. They look like dinosaurs. Nice write. I'll be sure to stay out of any mossy green water....thanks. Kevin



    Thanks Kevin for the comment.

    knight4696 commented on From Mossy Green


    Awesome write Moot! :) Quite the metaphorical dark piece! Great work as usual! :) Ken



    Yep, been living on the dark side lately. Hey, thanks for the comment. :)

    Dano commented on From Mossy Green


    like mindnumbing i saw the croc as metaphorical... i see it as a respresentation of life... when we least expect it... the teeth of life can bite down... when we feel most safe... we are most vulnerable... the struggle to maintain a balance within the throws of everyday life can sometimes make us feel that we are caught in a battle without end... very thought provoking peice...



    The thing is, we can never feel completely safe. In the back of our minds we know life on this earth will all come to an end some day. Hey, thanks for the comment.

    The true philosopher and the true poet are one, and a beauty, which is truth, and a truth, which is beauty, is the aim of both.

    Ralph Waldo Emerson, American Poet (1803-1882)

    MootPoint’s Poems (40)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    As a Fine Wine 5
    Broken Blades 4
    A Gift 4
    A Treasure 2
    Alone on the moon 6
    A Void in Space 4
    The Day the Towers Fell 2
    Dance and Drift 2
    Set Free 3
    Seduction of a Succubus 4
    Moot Points 2
    Follows Me 3
    Lost to Addiction 4
    An Intruder 9
    Crevices of the Mind 28
    Thanksgiving Fun 10
    Caught 10
    By the Wind 14
    From Mossy Green 15
    Majestic One 12
    A Lad from Liverpool 14
    I want it all 16
    A Whisper 11
    Escaped 11
    Trials of the Soul 7
    Bedtime Story 5
    Soft Kisses 12
    Muy Loco 17
    Unbearable Pain 13
    Same Ol' Same Ol' 6
    Choose 20
    Behind the Words 20
    Dark Psycho 22
    The Psychopath 11
    Crouching by the Window 13
    Humpty Dumpty Sat on a Nail 10
    Kinky Site 18
    They Screech 25
    Brain Haze 9
    Lost Soul 13