A Gift


A Gift

There is a place below heaven where thoughts drift
In the depths of our minds we are given a gift
A reward for hectic days and life’s doldrums
Where images float on petals of lavender mums

Imaginary things, coconut rings
On tips of feathery dove wings
A seductive glare, flowing auburn hair
Running free as a child not having a care

Bay Bridge runners, entangled park lovers
Milky white skin against emerald covers
Wiggling toes, red laced satin bows
Taking off our conventional clothes

Cotton candy tears, painted polo mares
A Victorian mansion with circular stairs
Colorful peacock tails, glass humpback whales
Celestial sky entwined in creamy beige sails

Waltzing along a mandarin orange sea
Where day dreams swim setting our souls free
Raising stage curtains leaving behind
All solid things in a land weathered by time

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Mandi commented on A Gift


I love the visuals. They are crisp. clear... Some verses run smoother than others, but I have no idea what to do about it. How does one make lines that glide..... Also, you have very original ideas. I like that



Yea writing a lot of random stuff made them one easier to write than a lot of my stuff. Thanks for the comment.

ccslim commented on A Gift


Bravo! A another fine write that allows one to share the adventure of the wonderfully made mind.

poett commented on A Gift


I couldn't stop smiling as I imagined such place... I remember running wild n carefree as a child n always looking up in the sky imagining such a magical place ;)



Thank you for all your comments. This one is one my favorites also.

mspoetris commented on A Gift


My eyes could envision the colors of this write. I drifted back to childhood days, and even heard the Good Humor mans music! Love this one. Thank you.

Poetry is what gets lost in translation.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

MootPoint’s Poems (40)

Title Comments
Title Comments
As a Fine Wine 5
Broken Blades 4
A Gift 4
A Treasure 2
Alone on the moon 6
A Void in Space 4
The Day the Towers Fell 2
Dance and Drift 2
Set Free 3
Seduction of a Succubus 4
Moot Points 2
Follows Me 3
Lost to Addiction 4
An Intruder 9
Crevices of the Mind 28
Thanksgiving Fun 10
Caught 10
By the Wind 14
From Mossy Green 15
Majestic One 12
A Lad from Liverpool 14
I want it all 16
A Whisper 11
Escaped 11
Trials of the Soul 7
Bedtime Story 5
Soft Kisses 12
Muy Loco 17
Unbearable Pain 13
Same Ol' Same Ol' 6
Choose 20
Behind the Words 20
Dark Psycho 22
The Psychopath 11
Crouching by the Window 13
Humpty Dumpty Sat on a Nail 10
Kinky Site 18
They Screech 25
Brain Haze 9
Lost Soul 13