Remember Me


  • Lost Love

    Poem Commentary

    Even old coggers can love!

    Remember Me

    Beyond this life
    When stars have ceased their glow and time
    No longer runs its tireless course
    When no cruelty can darken
    Nor dampen my day…remember me.

    As the mountain alone and cast
    Against a purple sky, weathers storm and wind
    So too my love stands staunch and straight
    On the featureless plateau of my life
    The only true monument to thee…remember me.

    When icy fingers from winter’s winds
    Probe and invade your warm body
    When naughty breezes
    Move all about you, touching, touching
    You lightly, tenderly…remember me.

    When fly and gnat bite drawing away
    Some tiny portion of your life for their own
    As I do by my touch, my look
    To capture, to cherish your energy…remember me.

    When you see a striding elk or leaping fawn
    Think of yourself as I see you, beautiful
    Filled with a special grace and glory
    And when you laugh down deep
    Or shiver with excitement…remember me.

    When sleep ties up your day
    And warm soft cotton wraps about you tightly
    As day ends and dreams begin
    Rest and God and love embraces you
    Close your eyes in this one certainty…remember me.

    Poem Comments


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    TheInspiration commented on Remember Me


    I like!!! I like!!! I like!!! So true and in depth...



    Thank you. it accurately reflects my feelings at the time I wrote it.

    When power leads man towards arrogance, poetry reminds him of his limitations. When power narrows the area of man's concern, poetry reminds him of the richness and diversity of existence. When power corrupts, poetry cleanses.

    John F. Kennedy (1917-1963) Thirty-fifth President of the USA

    tygseflrpdme’s Poems (46)

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