A Comedy of Couplets


  • Love

    A Comedy of Couplets

    Calm this warm place upon your breast,

    where my weary head has come to rest.


    Serene now in these loving arms, content

    and happy for the peaceful times I’ve spent.


    Joyously entwined are we and bound

    by no law nor timeless reason found.


    Delighted by your ageless, calming way,

    in you I know the one with whom I’ll stay.


    In time will pass the darling buds of May,

    but, from you, my heart will never stray.


    Someday we’ll go where angels still abound

    and there we’ll hear the bells’ eternal sound,


    tolling by the hour the mortal clay’s lament

    while eulogizing our lifelong love’s intent.


    Contented to lay my head upon your chest

    to feel it’s beating, until we’ve come to rest.








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    tygseflrpdme commented on A Comedy of Couplets


    If you have a strong feeling that demands to be expressed, don't write it down and call it poetry if you want to share it.

    In science one tries to tell people, in such a way as to be understood by everyone, something that no one ever knew before. But in poetry, it's the exact opposite.

    Franz Kafka (1883-1924) Czech writer.

    tygseflrpdme’s Poems (46)

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