a story book


a story book

I have signaled to all the world my intent
my resolve to love this lady of my dreams
to shout my love without regret and vent
to all who hear my heart’s desire and schemes.

then let loose the words that bind her heart
give up whatever bonds there were on you
make fast the ties that steady love’s rampart
prepare then affection’s state of one for two.

there are no words for such a book to tell
in a meaningful way how deeply runs
desire within my heart must surely spell
word upon word how much I love this one.

 in this book are the words that tell you this -
my world depends upon her offered kiss.

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MonkeyLover commented on a story book


This is really very beautiful. I especially like the way it wraps up. I love the feeeling the last three lines evoke.

If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.

Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) American poet.

tygseflrpdme’s Poems (46)

Title Comments
Title Comments
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an unpaired sock 0
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Moment 1
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a story book 0
wink 0
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emptiness 0
Beyond the dawn 1
in a moment 0
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Potential 0
potential 0
Confusion 0
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In you 0
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a story book 1
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A path less painful 1
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Dreamer 1
At Dawn 0
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