an unpaired sock


  • Life

    Poem Commentary

    Too sad the life lost alone

    an unpaired sock

    nothing so symbolic as an unpaired sock

    of loneliness, forsaken in its solitude

    self-dealt by fate’s mystery to unlock

    a single life of happiness and gratitude.


    no expectations, for evil comes in hope

    sad days drag on deserted by their joy

    moment to moment is just time to cope

    with age before we drink the final foy.


    when all the laundry’s sorted and folded

    there it lies abandoned to its fate

    unpaired sock a stranger to be scolded

    but lost forever any chance to be great.


    a question: why must all socks come in pairs?

    because feet are never one but mostly two

    happy feet wear pairs and no one cares

    so why can’t unpaired socks by one make do?

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    If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.

    Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) American poet.

    tygseflrpdme’s Poems (46)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
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    an unpaired sock 0
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    Moment 1
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