De la Mancha


  • Philosophy

    De la Mancha

    Should I dream the impossible dream?

    Must I tilt at ghostly opponents whirling

    in a fevered mind? Do I have a scheme

    wherein equity, as moral waters purling,

    in bureaucratic ears will become to seem

    a roaring, horrifying torrent swirling?


    To follow a star, no matter how far, in fact.

    Is it just that mare that carries dreams to hell,

    fills the dying dreamer in dying’s final act

    with that opiate of hope;  how can I tell?

    And yet dream impossible dreams to extract

    sanity from the toll of shared delusion’s knell.


    Shall I in common madness dwell a dreamer,

    so far apart and yet so near, so near to god?

    Or shall I, the dreamer, pretend blasphemer,

    a soiled soul, who rides his steed unshod?

    It seems the finer health befalls a daydreamer,

    true righteousness is that ideologue’s facade.

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    Poetry is what gets lost in translation.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    tygseflrpdme’s Poems (46)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Oh hell 0
    an unpaired sock 0
    This Time (a kyrielle) 0
    Moment 1
    A path less painful 1
    A Comedy of Couplets 1
    Mutilations 0
    a story book 0
    wink 0
    Veteran’s Day 0
    wink 0
    emptiness 0
    Beyond the dawn 1
    in a moment 0
    faith 0
    Shiloh 0
    Potential 0
    potential 0
    Confusion 0
    I’d Rather 0
    Dawn or Dusk? 1
    In you 0
    alone in a garden 0
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    De la Mancha 0
    Anadromous Politickles 0
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    a story book 1
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    Gallows Tree 0
    emptiness 0
    A path less painful 1
    Couplet 0
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    faith 0
    Dreamer 1
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