Mr. Cupid's Victims


  • Love
    • viejay04
    • I would like to thank everyone for reading my poems and for giving me positive feedbacks! You guys keep me more inspired! I thank you all with all my heart! =)

    Poem Commentary

    Love is...fool!

    Mr. Cupid's Victims

    She’s in love with him.

    He’s in love with her.

    They have precious time together;

    Enjoying each other’s company.

    They go out; go at the cozy restaurant for dinner;

    He’s driving his car wherever and she’s at the passenger seat enjoying the ride.

    After their wonderful time,

    They bid goodbye with sweet kisses,

    A warm hug and say “see you later”.

    He waits inside his car,

    As she enters safely inside the house.

    She waits for his phone call;

    He dials her number;

    Another conversation before both of them goes to bed.


    This sounds perfect but there is a dilemma:

    Both of them are committed.


    He’s dating this woman for three years

    And the woman loves him so;

    He’s at the marrying age

    But still don’t want to propose.

    Not because he wants to be a forever bachelor

    But he just wants to be assured.

    The woman is just waiting

    To hear those four-word-question

    And if he does,

    She’s all his.

    Same goes for her.

    But the only difference

    She’s still young and not at the marrying age.

    She’s dating this guy

    Three years to be exact.

    They are having fun together

    They go out, see a movie or two.

    The guy is simply wonderful

    She couldn’t ask for more

    He decided he wouldn’t let her go,

    He’ll die if she goes.



    Both seem to have wonderful partners;

    Both have someone who cares for them.

    Both are happy with their relationship.

    They feel content and loved.


    Now that they met each other

    Trouble comes to them.

    Both of them want to be together

    For they felt “chemistry” at the very first talk

    They feel very relaxed

    And extremely safe with each other’s arms.



    They don’t want to hurt “them”

    They are faithful and loving.

    But they’ll just end up

    Hurting each other.


    They love each other

    But the others love them.

    They just want to be together

    To be happy and at ease

    But the guilt is pouring down on them

    For they know what they’re doing

    Hurts the people who love them.

    They fell in love at the first glance

    With the right person

    At the very wrong time indeed.


    We people should understand

    They are not “cheaters”, really

    They are just Mr. Cupid’s victims.



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    When power leads man towards arrogance, poetry reminds him of his limitations. When power narrows the area of man's concern, poetry reminds him of the richness and diversity of existence. When power corrupts, poetry cleanses.

    John F. Kennedy (1917-1963) Thirty-fifth President of the USA

    viejay04’s Poems (60)

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