

  • Confusion
    • viejay04
    • I would like to thank everyone for reading my poems and for giving me positive feedbacks! You guys keep me more inspired! I thank you all with all my heart! =)


    I have entered a new chapter of my life;
    They call it "adulthood".
    But at some point it gives me a hard time
    To let go of my youth.

    I still am not ready to embrace maturity.
    It’s like I’m stuck between two different worlds;
    And don’t know which way to go;
    Or which one to choose.

    Am I gonna stay
    Or should I go away?
    Should I enter the realm of reality?
    Or ignore the calling of maturity?

    Am I ready to grow ?
    Am I ready to make a vow?
    Or should I wait a little longer
    Before I truly part from my childhood's innocence and laughter?

    Life then was full of colors.
    But what lies ahead
    Is either black and white;
    Or simply bloody red.

    There were laughter and excitement.
    But what lies ahead are tears and regrets.
    Even challenges are always present.
    Maybe this is what life truly meant.

    I already am a grown up;
    a grown up who wishes to be a little girl again.

    Poem Comments


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    viejay04 commented on tRapPed


    Thanks, prophesy! =)

    prophesy commented on tRapPed


    always remember the little girl n side, for she just wants to be at play. but the time will come , you must be in positon to allow fitting of your crown. or you will forever be princess.(love your intution) theirs nothing like the wwisdom from a queen./think royal.

    To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

    Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

    viejay04’s Poems (60)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Love Still Works; Not Only for me, But also for others 3
    My Heart, Just Like my Mouth, Dares to Speak for Itself 0
    In His Hands 2
    People are Like Computers When In Love 3
    I WANT TO BE... 3
    I Love You, and I'm Glad You're in My Life 2
    Dearest You 2
    Bittersweet Memories 1
    Leaving On A Jetplane 1
    Today's a Gift, That's Why It's Called The "Present"! 3
    Long Distance Friendship 1
    Expecto Patronum!! 1
    My Child, I'll Always Be Right Here 1
    Goodbye, Cruel World! 3
    Coffee and Omelette 1
    How Can I Possibly Write When I'm Not Inspired?!? 2
    Because I Believe 3
    Falling and Hurting and yet...still Loving 1
    My Pad and Pen Will Defend and Speak For Them! 1
    A Talk with the Mirror 5
    My Heart, Just Like My Mouth, Dares To Speak For Itself 1
    Come A Little Closer 0
    Please Give This Poem Just a Minute or Two 2
    The Unheard Poet 2
    A Child Called "It" 3
    Ode to My Best Friend 1
    I Have No Power Over Love 0
    Important Lesson...Plea
    se Pass On!
    Protect, Defend...just for the sake of a friend! 0
    Prince Charming 2
    There's Always a Rainbow After the Rain =) 2
    Summing It All Up 0
    Distance Means So Little When Someone Means So Much 2
    When Love Strikes Back! 1
    My Mind and Heart are Playing Tricks on Me 2
    Mr. Cupid's Victims 0
    What They Do Not Know 1
    Happy Hug's Day!!! 0
    VERB IT!! 0
    Today's The Day! 0
    Raising the White Flag is What My Life Demands 2
    Well, Have You?!? 0
    I Miss Love 2
    My Great Companion 0
    Tsunamis, Earthquakes, Difficulties 0
    My Heart's Wisdom 1
    Getting Crazy...SOON! 0
    Fatherless Daughter, Faith 0
    A Life of a Single Mom 1
    Locker 0
    A Prayer from the Heart 0
    hOme aT lAst! 0
    aGain 0
    i loVe yOu, mAma! 2
    tRapPed 2
    oNe siMpLe pRayEr 0
    tWo hEartS 1
    tHinGs hApPen fOr a rEasOn 1
    aNd aS i sLeEp tOniGht... 3