When Love Strikes Back!


  • viejay04
  • I would like to thank everyone for reading my poems and for giving me positive feedbacks! You guys keep me more inspired! I thank you all with all my heart! =)

Poem Commentary

I have been hurt because of love...many times before...and yet, despite the pain and heartaches that I've gotten out of it, I still am willing to take the risk to fall and be happy! Yesterday is past! Today...I AM IN LOVE...I am home =)

When Love Strikes Back!

Have you ever experienced the feeling of emptiness?

The kind of feeling that makes you ponder

that no matter how much you have in life,

there’s still something that makes you incomplete?

There’s still this thing you’re searching for

and no matter how much effort you put on finding it,

it remains hidden somewhere?!?

You try not to bother nor care.

You set aside the feeling and focus on more important things.

You’re hoping that it’ll just past you a

nd never come back and yet

the overwhelming feeling is still there

that only makes you go more insane.

Have you ever been afraid to love because

the past is still haunting you

and made you not to trust anyone again and yet…

There has been a time in your life that you wish that somehow,

no matter how broken your heart is

and no matter how bitter love has made you,

you wish that someday, somewhere,

someone will love you the way you want to be loved;

the kind of love you truly deserve

and not just the kind of love that will last for a short period of time.

There has been a day in your life

that you pray for someone who will rescue you from bitterness

and that someone is more willing to pick up the broken pieces

just to make your heart whole again.

I don’t believe in magic.

Miracles barely happen and even if it does,

it’s only for those who truly deserve it.

I don’t ‘wish as well…

…and then he came to my life like magic;

making me believe that I just had received

the greatest miracle that I truly deserve!

It hasn’t been that long since the day

he had made my heart beat again

and yet we’ve already shared so many wonderful memories together.

The feeling is getting stronger each day

and it cannot be described with words alone.

It’s not the time I’ve known him that counts…

it’s the love he has given me!

And for the first time I’m making a wish

that he’ll stay with me forever and never go away!

Truly, only love can heal a heart that was hurt by love.

Only love can take all the bitterness away from your heart

and only love can make you whole again.

And when love strikes back,

it makes you feel that you're "home".

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cas25jas commented on When Love Strikes Back!


This poem hits very close to home...the place for me where nothing else could compare to the feeling of being there.



Glad you liked it ^_^

When power leads man towards arrogance, poetry reminds him of his limitations. When power narrows the area of man's concern, poetry reminds him of the richness and diversity of existence. When power corrupts, poetry cleanses.

John F. Kennedy (1917-1963) Thirty-fifth President of the USA

viejay04’s Poems (60)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Love Still Works; Not Only for me, But also for others 3
My Heart, Just Like my Mouth, Dares to Speak for Itself 0
In His Hands 2
People are Like Computers When In Love 3
I Love You, and I'm Glad You're in My Life 2
Dearest You 2
Bittersweet Memories 1
Leaving On A Jetplane 1
Today's a Gift, That's Why It's Called The "Present"! 3
Long Distance Friendship 1
Expecto Patronum!! 1
My Child, I'll Always Be Right Here 1
Goodbye, Cruel World! 3
Coffee and Omelette 1
How Can I Possibly Write When I'm Not Inspired?!? 2
Because I Believe 3
Falling and Hurting and yet...still Loving 1
My Pad and Pen Will Defend and Speak For Them! 1
A Talk with the Mirror 5
My Heart, Just Like My Mouth, Dares To Speak For Itself 1
Come A Little Closer 0
Please Give This Poem Just a Minute or Two 2
The Unheard Poet 2
A Child Called "It" 3
Ode to My Best Friend 1
I Have No Power Over Love 0
Important Lesson...Plea
se Pass On!
Protect, Defend...just for the sake of a friend! 0
Prince Charming 2
There's Always a Rainbow After the Rain =) 2
Summing It All Up 0
Distance Means So Little When Someone Means So Much 2
When Love Strikes Back! 1
My Mind and Heart are Playing Tricks on Me 2
Mr. Cupid's Victims 0
What They Do Not Know 1
Happy Hug's Day!!! 0
Today's The Day! 0
Raising the White Flag is What My Life Demands 2
Well, Have You?!? 0
I Miss Love 2
My Great Companion 0
Tsunamis, Earthquakes, Difficulties 0
My Heart's Wisdom 1
Getting Crazy...SOON! 0
Fatherless Daughter, Faith 0
A Life of a Single Mom 1
Locker 0
A Prayer from the Heart 0
hOme aT lAst! 0
aGain 0
i loVe yOu, mAma! 2
tRapPed 2
oNe siMpLe pRayEr 0
tWo hEartS 1
tHinGs hApPen fOr a rEasOn 1
aNd aS i sLeEp tOniGht... 3