Raising the White Flag is What My Life Demands


  • viejay04
  • I would like to thank everyone for reading my poems and for giving me positive feedbacks! You guys keep me more inspired! I thank you all with all my heart! =)

Poem Commentary

There comes a time in your life when you feel like giving up the little hope that's left in you...and yet...that little hope is fighting back and telling you to still be positive in life...

Raising the White Flag is What My Life Demands

Which way should I go?
Which path should I choose?
There’s so many things laid before my very eyes
and my heart will soon give up.
The light that was given is becoming blurred
and only time can tell how long it’ll last!

I want to hope…”don’t ever give up!”
my mind keeps telling me but most of it has decided
to let go of the little hope that’s left in me.
My hand is starting to raise the white flag,
but I know it’s not the time yet.
It’s not the proper time yet!

I know how to control my emotions…
at least I knew how!
But as days go by, smiling is becoming a burden
and it’s becoming harder and harder to find a reason to laugh!
Just a little laugh is all I ask…
just a simple reason to smile will surely be enough!

My eyes are already immune to tears
and a day wouldn’t be complete without shedding those tears.
My lips don’t widen anymore.
My ears are used to hearing the same things over and over
and yet, it still is troublesome not to mind them.

My chest is always heavy as if it’s carrying the whole of me!
And my mind! My mind!
It doesn’t know what to think anymore!
Which matter should I focus on?!

I’m in the brink of giving up the little hope that’s left in me!
My sanity will soon desert me.
My faith…oh my faith!
Please don’t let go of me!
You’re the only thing I could hold on to.
I’m at the edge and falling is just an inch away!
So please clear my vision once more!

Lift my heart from the cares!
Please give me that hope back!

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WordSlinger commented on Raising the White Flag is What My Life Demands


I understand this extremely, surround yourself with, Faith, and faithful friends, Good write, ty WS



thanks for the inspiring words! =)

dahlusion commented on Raising the White Flag is What My Life Demands


A really good write and deeply heartfelt. Bravo! Peace and light, Dah



thanks, dah! those words truly mean a lot =) love, viejay04

When power leads man towards arrogance, poetry reminds him of his limitations. When power narrows the area of man's concern, poetry reminds him of the richness and diversity of existence. When power corrupts, poetry cleanses.

John F. Kennedy (1917-1963) Thirty-fifth President of the USA

viejay04’s Poems (60)

Title Comments
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My Heart, Just Like my Mouth, Dares to Speak for Itself 0
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Falling and Hurting and yet...still Loving 1
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A Talk with the Mirror 5
My Heart, Just Like My Mouth, Dares To Speak For Itself 1
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Please Give This Poem Just a Minute or Two 2
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A Child Called "It" 3
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se Pass On!
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Prince Charming 2
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Distance Means So Little When Someone Means So Much 2
When Love Strikes Back! 1
My Mind and Heart are Playing Tricks on Me 2
Mr. Cupid's Victims 0
What They Do Not Know 1
Happy Hug's Day!!! 0
Today's The Day! 0
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Well, Have You?!? 0
I Miss Love 2
My Great Companion 0
Tsunamis, Earthquakes, Difficulties 0
My Heart's Wisdom 1
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Fatherless Daughter, Faith 0
A Life of a Single Mom 1
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A Prayer from the Heart 0
hOme aT lAst! 0
aGain 0
i loVe yOu, mAma! 2
tRapPed 2
oNe siMpLe pRayEr 0
tWo hEartS 1
tHinGs hApPen fOr a rEasOn 1
aNd aS i sLeEp tOniGht... 3