

  • Silly
    • viejay04
    • I would like to thank everyone for reading my poems and for giving me positive feedbacks! You guys keep me more inspired! I thank you all with all my heart! =)

    Poem Commentary

    I've made this poem because it was requested by a friend. His son needs a silly poem about things in his silly as it gets, here's a silly poem...


    I wonder what my life would be

    If in school there’s no locker for me.

    Many of you I know will agree,

    Lockers are important, I guarantee!


    My locker is my treasure in school

    Having one is my first school rule.

    Without it I would never be cool

    I consider it as precious as a jewel.


    In my locker I can put anything

    In school, anything I can also bring;

    I can keep my lunch box, books, everything!

    Dirty shirts, stinky socks, I can hide after playing in the gym.


    I go straight to my locker during the break

    There are chips, juice sometimes chocolate shake.

    Bananas, apples, and cheesecake

    Especially the best sandwich my Mom always makes.


    Heavy books, crayons and notepads,

    Test scores that are excellent and not so bad;

    When I go home I show them to Mom and Dad

    That’s why they’re happy and always proud.


    This might be a very silly thing for you to hear

    But let me make this simple and very clear

    Without a locker your things will disappear

    Especially the school things you hold very dear.








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    When power leads man towards arrogance, poetry reminds him of his limitations. When power narrows the area of man's concern, poetry reminds him of the richness and diversity of existence. When power corrupts, poetry cleanses.

    John F. Kennedy (1917-1963) Thirty-fifth President of the USA

    viejay04’s Poems (60)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Love Still Works; Not Only for me, But also for others 3
    My Heart, Just Like my Mouth, Dares to Speak for Itself 0
    In His Hands 2
    People are Like Computers When In Love 3
    I WANT TO BE... 3
    I Love You, and I'm Glad You're in My Life 2
    Dearest You 2
    Bittersweet Memories 1
    Leaving On A Jetplane 1
    Today's a Gift, That's Why It's Called The "Present"! 3
    Long Distance Friendship 1
    Expecto Patronum!! 1
    My Child, I'll Always Be Right Here 1
    Goodbye, Cruel World! 3
    Coffee and Omelette 1
    How Can I Possibly Write When I'm Not Inspired?!? 2
    Because I Believe 3
    Falling and Hurting and yet...still Loving 1
    My Pad and Pen Will Defend and Speak For Them! 1
    A Talk with the Mirror 5
    My Heart, Just Like My Mouth, Dares To Speak For Itself 1
    Come A Little Closer 0
    Please Give This Poem Just a Minute or Two 2
    The Unheard Poet 2
    A Child Called "It" 3
    Ode to My Best Friend 1
    I Have No Power Over Love 0
    Important Lesson...Plea
    se Pass On!
    Protect, Defend...just for the sake of a friend! 0
    Prince Charming 2
    There's Always a Rainbow After the Rain =) 2
    Summing It All Up 0
    Distance Means So Little When Someone Means So Much 2
    When Love Strikes Back! 1
    My Mind and Heart are Playing Tricks on Me 2
    Mr. Cupid's Victims 0
    What They Do Not Know 1
    Happy Hug's Day!!! 0
    VERB IT!! 0
    Today's The Day! 0
    Raising the White Flag is What My Life Demands 2
    Well, Have You?!? 0
    I Miss Love 2
    My Great Companion 0
    Tsunamis, Earthquakes, Difficulties 0
    My Heart's Wisdom 1
    Getting Crazy...SOON! 0
    Fatherless Daughter, Faith 0
    A Life of a Single Mom 1
    Locker 0
    A Prayer from the Heart 0
    hOme aT lAst! 0
    aGain 0
    i loVe yOu, mAma! 2
    tRapPed 2
    oNe siMpLe pRayEr 0
    tWo hEartS 1
    tHinGs hApPen fOr a rEasOn 1
    aNd aS i sLeEp tOniGht... 3