Worship Someone You Love


  • Religion

    Worship Someone You Love

    I believe in God and that he can make all things happen
    the reason why he had created life
    the reason why he made me a human and not an animal
    the reason why so many people connect with him
    the reason why people say i had a vision that God had spoken to me

    But what i dont believe in is that when people say God isn't with them, they are wrong he is with them

    I believe in worshiping him and praising him
    i believe in going to church and praying for him
    i believe in saying a pray every night before i go to bed

    And i beleive in that he did create this earth and made me for one reason
    and one reason only and that is to carry his praise everywhere i go

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    Tyme commented on Worship Someone You Love


    Absolutely. The great and marvelous thing is, we ARE the church. When you pray and think about God, it is your worship. I love that this poem/ declaration reminds me that He is ALWAYS with me (kinda scary though).

    Sx9 commented on Worship Someone You Love


    true stuff,,feel u words deep yes I do,god is never to play with,inspiration is uncontrollable,, walk good,,

    kpeery09 commented on Worship Someone You Love


    Beautiful, thats what this truly is, I love it. And your right as well in this, made a good poem. Keep up the good work.

    lonewolf commented on Worship Someone You Love


    Wow! I am so impressed. Never expected anything quite like this from you. I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!

    cowboyup1824 commented on Worship Someone You Love


    I like how its a story and it goes from the questions you ask to what others ask and why you believe you were created. Very nice!

    The true philosopher and the true poet are one, and a beauty, which is truth, and a truth, which is beauty, is the aim of both.

    Ralph Waldo Emerson, American Poet (1803-1882)

    kym’s Poems (15)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Betrayed Love 2
    Chapter 3 2
    Integrity 2
    Chance 1
    But... my Words I must chew 21
    her final words part II 2
    Her Finals Words 9
    As I Sit Counting the Days 5
    Computer Love 17
    Mom 15
    Don't get your pleasures because i'm scared 12
    Worship Someone You Love 11
    scars amd emtions 9
    Deep Down Inside 5
    So Many 10