Tyme’s Profile

  • Age: 48
  • Location: San Antonio, TX
  • Gender: Male
  • Country: US
  • Public Profile URL:


I am not necessarily what you'd call a "poetic type" ( my mind conjures images of locks and berets and incense; too small, round sunglasses and wierd gotees etc...) Anyway, I am an average 5'11' 200Lb (only slightly overweight) handsome guy who has found another form of expression; the written word.
I live in hot, muggy and beautiful San Antonio, TX home of the former NBA champion Spurs (and I'm gonna hold on to those moments for as loooooooonnnggg as I can!).
Loving the struggle of life.

Jesus is a huge influence in my life and I love the Lord with all my heart because he loves me with all of His. My work, like my life is not "secular" or "religious" in the common sense. My life doesn't seperate the two. There is no where I go, nothing I do that God isn't with me. Therefore I live my life fully before him (good and bad).

Besides writing, I like reading, T.V. telling lame jokes and imagining what life would be if I had Oprah's money.


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jesusfreake profile comment


I was coming by to say thanks for the comments on my poem and then I read your Bio. I love this line of yours "I love the Lord with all my heart because he loves me with all of His" ha, it made me smile, isn't that how it is. We love Him because He first loved us...amazing! Thanks for dropping in, and also for your bio. it blessed me



Well, thank you for reading it. I look foward to reading more of your work. Keep writing, keep growing and keep it real! God bless you! He's comming soon so keeps ya head up baby!

Poetry is finer and more philosophical than history; for poetry expresses the universal, and history only the particular.

Aristotle (384 BC-322 BC) Greek philosopher.

Tyme’s Poems (1)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Good Bye 1